"Sometimes the simplest thing to do can seem the hardest"
Love Di
Whether we are thinking in our sleep; while we eat;
while we are supposed to be using our
thoughts to focus on our jobs, we are always constantly thinking.
It is our thoughts that create our lives, since we
manifest that of which we create in our minds.
We know this, and yet, we still consciously, as much as subconsciously
make decisions to think of, and worry about less important things,
which are not allowing us to engage in a life that is abundant.
We surround ourselves
with only what we feel worthy to.
We create and attempt to maintain relationships that may not be in our best interest- simply because we think we must make it work, or we have failed.
Failure doesn't come from acting on something, even if it means leaving a situation, a job, or an environment that is not serving you. By taking positive action, we are using our strength to create a life that will allow us to flourish.
By doing so, we are not just serving ourselves, but we are also enabling those around us to grow in a better, and healthier direction.
It is important not only to focus on the great things that we can have, but it is also imperative that we take the step in dissipating the thoughts and the areas in our life that we are focusing on, that are giving us less, rather than more.
So while you are building and manifesting the life of your dreams, be easy on yourself: take your thoughts, and
"None the Less"
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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