"If my mind is capable enough to dream it up, the hardest part is done"
Love Di
What is it going to take for us to believe that we are not only entitled to all that we desire, the capablilities to achieve this lies within. It's in the palm of our hands, we just have to open up to it.
I have been on the side of despair; just as much as having been on the side of conquering some insurmountable feats in my life.
We all have.
Each and everyone of us has been through that of which we may have temporarily deemed impossible.
As much as we can worry for the worst things to happen, we can use that same amount of energy to visualize and create in our minds what we dream to be, in our lives.
With life's challenges comes rewards of self worth, self reliance, and self love. I can brave a storm, as long as I know that I am the one who walked it for me, for all the right reasons.
Do what you must for you, and pay attention to all that your thoughts are telling you, they only your best interest at heart...
We all pay the price for our actions, so if you want to make life easy, act on your dreams, walk with integrity, and wear the right shoes for the weather.
The results will be priceless!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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