"Much of life's confusion can be conquered by the simple act of smiling- at least you will look less confused."
Love Di
Our minds are bombarded with programs, judgment, fear, and past experiences; it is not always so easy to be certain what is right in front of us...
No matter how many books we have read through, or self development courses we have worked through; we are complicated beings. Ever changing, every single day.
How can we know everything?
We can, however, embrace what is in front of us, at any given moment, whether we completely understand it or not; instead to understand how it can help us see who we are, and how we are seeing the world. Every moment has something very powerful, it's a matter of how you look at it.
Not to mention, we struggle trying to always figure out how we are going to get from point A to point B, when all the while as long as we know why we want something, the "how" will soon follow, not only effortlessly, but understandably.
We can have all we want, the universe is generous like that; So don't spend so much time wondering the "how in the world you are going to get there", or "how the heck did this or that happen to you", so much that you forget what or why you wanted something to begin with- you will lose your mind completely!
We can be patient and gentle with ourselves-making a point, from point A to point B, to be as open as we can, as loving and respectful as we can, and true to ourselves, as we can, however we can.
We know it's not the destination, so much as the journey, so believe that however your life is right now, is just how it is to be; however, you have the power to make it better, if you wish...
Just don't ask me how!
LuCy sMiLeS
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