"It is one thing to know what our best qualities are, but another thing to use them"
Love Di
In our lifetime, we not only spend much of our time learning, but we are then asked to evaluate which subjects we thrive in, and therefore will 'major' in during our days of educational lessons, tests, and finals.
Not so finally, we attempt to find the roles we can jump into that will utilize our talents, challenge us in a positive and impactful way, while we hope to make a deep impact on others.
While it is great to do a great job, we are all entitled to do that which makes us happy, and fulfilled; not only successfully, but wholeheartedly. There are millions of opportunities out there, but it is important to take on that which that brings out the best version of us, rather than trying to fill shoes that are not ours.
When push comes to shove there is nothing wrong with doing all we can to conquer the circumstances to get ahead, but don't push yourself to be or do something that is not called upon you to do.
So if you are uncertain as to where you see yourself and what you need in your life, take a moment to evaluate your strengths, your interests, and your capabilities!
When making life decisions, whether big or small, make a point to stand clear in your intentions, and watch nature take it's course.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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