"Buy me things, and I will thank you;
Bake me things, I will love you forever"
Love Di
Do you ever notice that when you feel something is missing, the first instinct we do, as humans, is reach for the credit card, and the keys and make a mad dash to purchase in our attempts to fill whatever the void is, we are experiencing?
I know, for me, in my many years as a woman, I can recall the many times I felt empty, my first course of action was to fill my place, emptying my wallet.
We cannot release the emotional burdens we carry by burdening ourselves, financially, and we certainly will not be in a better place simply because our place is looking a bit better from the new and temporarily exciting purchases.
In our attempts to find that happiness that we are all seemingly in pursuit of, no new purse or suit will have the answers, no matter how much time we spend and money we spend trying to mask ourselves with things.
The thing is this: We have everything inside of us, that we need, so forget this need to surround ourselves with things that have no value in our lives, no matter what the price tag says.
There is value in believing that we are priceless and worth everything our heart desires to attain, with no purchase necessary!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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