"I figured out I can have anything my heart desires, as long as my heart is in the right place- go figure"
Love Di
Everyone of us has an energy field around us, that, whether or not we believe it, can pretty much carry us to the ends of the Earth.
It is a matter of our choice on how closed, or how open we wish to be.
To add to that, our vibrations also play a big role in our happiness, and in how happy those around us are.
We are all so influenced by our friends, and loved ones- so much that many times, we can take on their energy and vibrations, without recognizing it, hindering our personal growth.
Do you ever notice your behaviour, or your state of being can be quite different depending on the different people you surround yourself with?
Who you automatically laugh with; without even saying word.
Who you hold your tongue; or hold your thoughts from.
While it is our responsibility to be true to ourselves, and not blame others for putting us in certain "moods" or negative mindsets; we do, as highly empathetic human beings, allow for this to take place.
We all have it is us to be the best us, and we all learn from each other, so many things about ourselves, to help us on that path to greatness!
It is also important, however, while finding our true selves, to stay true to ourselves, and do all that we can to make the best choices for ourselves, be that what it may that will keep us at the best vibration.
This helps others rise to the occasion to rise high and be successful.
So take time out to help your friends, and all those you love, but be sure that you are making the best choices for yourself, first, and you will be able to best help them.
It is never selfish to take care of yourself, it actually would be selfish not to.
Love LuCy sMiLeS
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