If It's Not One Thing; It's Another!

"Take all the time you Need ." LoVe LuCy

Do you ever wonder how you can be so clear on something, and ready to stick to your guns that what you are feeling is so right and so true; then something take place, placing you in a completely different frame of mind?

We are very often very quick to assume that our feelings, once felt, must stay. So many times, this takes place, that we attach to those feelings, even without realizing they have changed.

In life, our thoughts and experiences are always changing.

The one constant from the Universe.Change.Growth.Progression onward.By being open to the idea that with so much that takes places in our lives, it is only natural that our feelings will change with every step we take. Information that is given to us, however it is, is what we use to sit and ponder our feelings towards things.Once more information is given, more change takes place.Once "different" information is given, there will be, as a result, a difference in the way we take the situation at hand.

In letting go of attaching to one thing, as a fixed idea that cannot be changed, we open ourselves up to the possibilities that life has to offer, and the connections from those, that have so many beautiful messages to offer us, as well.

Let life, and the flow of energy go through you, however it does, every day, in an ever changing way. Allow yourself to move within the realm of peace and serenity that everything moves through you, with the intention to help guide you, without the obligation of latching on, but rather, letting go.

LuCy sMiLeS


"A Moment is All You Need." LoVe LuCy

Of course, when we are contemplating our lives, we are looking into the future, as to how we want to see ourselves, where, and with whom.
We are hopeful that we can be strong enough to make the appropriate decisions to get to that appropriate place, for us.

It is scary, at times. What are we supposed to do, now?
What is the right answer to all the questions we have in our heads as to what to do next, to get to where we are just hoping, from these answers, we will go.

Some days, we can go through the hours, just simply being with, being around others, and not being so analytical about all the things we need in our lives, to be happy.
Other days, however, things will creep up into our little minds, and make us sit, think and feel a need to make decisions, about our present lives.

These are times, when our souls are calling on us to evaluate, within, if we are actually living in our element, and in alignment with our true essense.

Kind of like a Soul "Check-up".

It gives us the opportunity to be with ourselves, and be honest with ourselves, and our loved ones, what we truly feel is necessary for us, to be in a space of serenity, inside, even when circumstances outside, may prove to be much less that serene.

Being open, as much as we need, as many times as we need, to stay open to our truth, is so imperative to our growth.
No matter how fearful we are for what others may think, we must keep our true thoughts of our true selves in upmost care, before we can even begin to care for others.

If this means, for now, we sense that our needs are to simply focus on our needs, alone, for better understanding of life, as a whole; let that be all the sense that you need.

LuCy sMiLeS


"It's only okay; except when it isn't." LoVe LuCy

With so many beliefs being brought to the table by so many beings, it is hard, sometimes, to bring to the forefront, in remembrance, what ours are.When we meet people and make connections, it is always a beautiful thing to hear all that others think, feel and live.It allows us to seek understanding, from others' experiences and understandings.

Many times we will nod our heads in agreement, just as much, perhaps in awe, or confusion.All of the above just as imperative in our growth.We don't have to agree with someone, to gain clarity.Sometimes by being confused, we gain more clarity, about ourselves.Clarity that we are still ok to honour our feelings.

Our purpose here, today, as was yesterday, is to be in touch with those whom we can connect with in order to find order in our lives, by looking within ourselves, and finding the answers that we couldn't find on our own.We share our ideas, sit with others' ideas, whether or not we have the faintest idea what their thoughts are.

What we do with those ideas that we either agree or disagree with, is to live, learn grow and ultimately stick to our own ideas, whether they were expanded in truth from others, or whether it remained true that we are true to our own ideas, in reflection.It is important to grow.It is important to be true to your feelings.

Ideas of others will resonate and allow you to expand you.

The connection grows, as your values , beliefs and disposition match, making a wonderful match of feeling true love, care and compassion.Or they don't, and you expand, still.
By standing tall, with your will.


LuCy sMiLeS


"It only take a moment and a belief to be happy."

LoVe LuCy

What do you hold in your space?

Just as we all have a place to live; a space that we occupy material objects; that of which we desire- we also own space within ourselves of which, as well, we occupy. But is it that of which we desire?

Why is it we can go to our favorite shop and purchase nice things, be it pillows, painting, or pottery, to fill the space we call home, as pretty as we can; but our emotional and spiritual space of thought can get what seems like hand me downs? If someone offered us a raggedy blanket to place on our beds, would we accept?Would we feel obligated and take it from them, simply because it is offered?

Would we also, feel obliged then, to continue to carry it with us, and pay it forward to the next person?

I had been speaking of the various natural disasters with someone this morning, and in my personal opinion suggested the importance of our collective thoughts creating chaos, but also to embrace this as a lesson of the spiritual connectivity we have with each other, and with mother nature.

The faster we realize that the happier we are with self, and the more in tune we are with our own personal identity and purpose, the sooner we can project that onto others, whether a smile and hello on the street, or a "thank you". And, as cause and effect would so generously have it, Mother Nature would soon smile, too!

This friend shared a similar story, one of which changed their lives, forever, from over 30 years ago. While in traffic, someone had outraged him with their poor choice making him fumed to the deepest part of irritability. Just then, however, the person, acknowledging their mistake, looked up, saddened with their carelessness, and with non verbal communication, asked him for forgiveness, right then and there.

This friend decided at that moment, he will not longer allow such negative frustration to occupy his space, as he realized, in a snowball effect how that would be selfish, in any further encounter that day, where he carried this weight. Whether or not, going forward, someone will take accountability for their absent-mindedness or not, what occupies his own mind is his own responsibility. The World is not always fair. We may not always have fair game or a fair chance at getting everything we ask for, right away.But by showing up, right away, and holding our truth no matter what lies, deceit, judgment or blame may take place, we can sit at peace, and in comfort of the space occupying our thoughts as ours to own, and embrace.

LuCy sMiLeS

You and Me Both

"Making it through sometimes takes two."

LoVe LuCy

Walking through our lives, since we took our very first steps, we have been given such amazing opportunities.While when we were young, we had more guidance from our parents, as to which direction will lead us to a better place, more often than not; we now, as Adults have the power in us to take life a step further, for us to Succeed.

Not every day is the easiest to be in a frame of mind that is confident, so much that we are capable of giving it our all, to make the most of our lives.

Sometimes, it takes using the strength that others give us, to get to that place of security when it comes to securing the life we truly desire.

We want to, of course, believe that we are Independent and have our personal power positioned just so, so we feel we are able to accomplish as much, if not, all, that we need, for ourselves. In saying that, there is a lot to be said for how our lives, and the roles we each play, in each other's allows for each one of us to flourish.

We are here, together, to help one another to learn, and grow from the connections we encounter.While it is certainly great to stand on our own two feet, we can always be certain there will be someone, close, holding their hand out, to help out, when we need a helping hand, to grow.


LuCy sMiLeS


"The answers are right under your nose."LoVe LuCy

Do you ever wonder how seamless it seems for so many people, who seems to just effortlessly find all that they are looking for?

We see those, in the media, who are celebrating their new found riches, or those who see to have had a lifetime of luck.
Oh if only we could also reap such ravishing rewards, in our own lives.

The Universe has a very interesting, and for some, misunderstood way of teaching us how to attract what we are seeking.

By focusing on all the things we just wish we could have, but do not, and focusing on all that others have, that we do not, our mind is making room for lack.

Not all of us will spend our lives being able to spend limitless amounts of money, or time, with and in luxury.

What makes some able to do so, and others, not so much, is how much time and energy we put on all that we don't have vs. all that we do.

Yes, we live in a world of duality, a world where not all of those living here have the same opportunities to grow, moreover grow such Empires as those, we deem Successful.

But Success and Riches, are above and beyond what the energy of money can buy.

Success and Abundance comes from who we are, not what we make.Personal success, is in how we serve our neighbour, but first how we see ourselves.

LuCy sMiLeS

Every Little Breath

"Sometimes the Best Step Is To Breathe"
LoVe LuCy

Everything we do we do with the energy we have at any given moment.

There are days where our energy is low, and we have trouble trying to make a decision to save our lives.Some days we can jump at any chance to take all that life has to offer, without merely blinking an eye.Our energy provides us with the opportunities to see within ourselves all that we have to offer.

In our down times, we can see things in front of us, that would perhaps be missed while we are running around trying to do everything at once.

We live in a world of such busyness, believing that doing more will give us more.But in actuality a lot more can get done and be seen, if we stop and breathe, in silence.Even for just a simple moment.We have just as much time, anyone to accomplish all that we set out. Setting aside time, for ourselves while doing and being everything for others, can give us a running start at better productivity, overall.

Rest does for the mind much more than we give it credit for.

Moments of clarity can be much more present when we take the present moment to be with, without always having to do all we need, all at once.It will all, always still be there to get done;

It is just a breath away.

LuCy sMiLeS

Take The Bull By The Horns!

"Make Your Move, and Move the World."LoVe LuCy

It is not always easy for us to go or what we desire.

Many of us have a lot riding on us taking a risk, and making a move to follow steps in our mission for passionate living.

With all of the ideas of what we are supposed to be doing, and the appropriate and safe way to be sure that we are secure, financially, it can be tough for us, if we decide to give something less traditional a try.

What will people say? What if we go against the grain and take some time to actually test out if we can make it? How can we possibly be of working for ourselves, instead working for someone else. Not all of us desire the same thing.

Many of us are completely content with the safe structure and stability that comes with full time income, and that is great, we need these dedicated people.And these dedicated people are passionate about what they do.

But, ask yourself... What about you? What matters most, when it comes to our Heart's calling, is being able to open ourselves up to the possibilities, if desired and dreamed, for ourselves, that we may be here for something different.

How do we know if something is not going to work, if we don't give it a try?

Every day we are given messages, and signs as to how we can best serve the World, with our talents, that for some, are still hidden deep down inside, just waiting to be ignited and executed for the entire World to see. So take it from me...

If you feel that something is tugging at your Heart Strings and you fear you just couldn't possibly have it in you to dance to its song?

Get up, dust off whatever fears, worry, judgment or excuses you are allowing to cover your confidence, and take the bull by the horns!

Take it from A Taurus Bull, herself:)

LuCy sMiLeS

Aa A Matter Of Fact

"Give it all you Can, with all That You Have, and All That You Are."
LoVe LuCy

As A matter of Fact! How many assumptions or decisions have we made, I wonder, where without looking at all that is in front of us, first; we jumped the gun, or jumped to conclusions- without giving the situation a fair chance. We as humans, have a characteristic about all of us, even though we are all so different- that is very much the same. We all, in one way or another, when corresponding with one another, have a need to declare our feelings, and make sure that others know what is on our minds. We want to be understood; accepted; loved and cared for. How we convey our need for all of these things, can get in the way of the genuine need, itself.
Many of us, when learning how to grow with one another, come to the table with our own distinct methods of doing things; in our mind's eye, it is simply to us, how things are supposedly done "right."
How can we, then, be right, without having the other person have to settle for then, being "wrong." Facts are facts, to us, when it comes to our feelings on matters, just as facts are facts, to another.No one person's feelings are more important, more momentous, than the other.

In learning to communicate our feelings, and how we take in the facts of life, we can make monumental improvements by being empathetic to each other's feelings, just as though they were our own. As a matter of fact, if we can look 'out' to a situation, with another person, rather than putting the situation in the middle of each other, I'll bet our feelings will not only be that much more heard, but also that much more considered. Consider it done!

LuCy sMiLeS

Case by Case

"Make the Most of The Moment, by Living Fully In It."
LoVe LuCy

It seems like never before have we, as a collective consciousness, been more attune with the ways of the World and the ways of how the Universe is exposing its upmost importance, in our individual lives. Perhaps, in my getting older, and I like to think, wiser, I am just noticing what big a role this Higher Power contributes to everyday living. Knowing and doing, in life, are very different. We can definitely be aware, be very conscious of what we are doing that isn't perhaps giving us our desired results, but we can tend to do it anyway. Those small voices, inside our heads, seem to speak over each other, doing their best to get noticed, at the same time, creating a chaotic situation for our mindset. We all have them. I like to call mine, the Goddess wanna be "Gremlin" vs. "The Goddess". Just as these two characters play in my own mind, life projects accordingly.

When, in communication, we take with us thoughts, feelings, and harboured emotions from the past, we create a circumstance that can already be destined for disaster. Mix that with another Beautiful Soul, whom we are connected with, doing the same thing, and I think you get the picture. When looking to create balance, and harmony in our lives, we must do our best to take each situation, case by case.

By bringing up a past scenario and adding it to the present picture, we are bringing our resentment, guilt, shame or anger, that needn't be brought up. Our defenses can get a rise in us, and may not allow us to rise to the occasion to create a communicative clarity with those we love.

Taking our time, and being present with present circumstances can allow our Authentic Self to come out, taming down that gremlin which, living and breathing directly from Ego, only speaks from the past.

Knowing that we have the power to shut up and shut out the voices that harm us, can be music to our ears, and the ears of those who are dancing with us, in love.


LuCy sMiLeS

Perish The Thought

"If you think it, it is."
Love LuCy

It is not so easy, to be positive all the time. We can read books, say our affirmations, meditate, etc... Life can, and will get in the way.We may spend an entire week, focusing on our goals, accomplishing our tasks, and feeling great about our passions, and our productivity. Then life happens.

The thing about life is that it always gives us what we need, to see, to respond and to grow. Sometimes things that come into our view we certainly wish to turn a blind eye to, to protect us from hurt, pain, or simple awareness that it is there, for us to see. These are the times, when it is most imperative to stand tall, shoulders back, and breathe. With experience, comes enlightenment.With struggle, comes strength. How are we to know what we have inside of us, if our exterior circumstances don't show up, for us to see how we show up, in life? It is not always easy to believe that embracing our dark experiences brings us closer to self. We know that our thoughts are, then, our lives, so why not always focus on the positive? Because, positive doesn't always take place.

Sitting with, in observation, and detachment to life's happenings, whatever they may be, allows us to reflect, in a language of letting go, that no words will ever be able to express. Acknowledgement and acceptance to life, in good times and in bad, will allow us to acknowledge who we are, and accept ourselves as such. As well, as accepting ourselves, we can learn to accept others, and also learn, in our own hearts that with which we know, for ourselves, we are not willing to accept in our lives, to continue our growth. This is acceptance to let go. We are powerful beings, living, learning, and loving. We have the power within us to give to others as best we know how.

Just as we experience life, to see what we want our lives to look life, we will experience life to see what we do not want. And that is ok too.A lovely friend, Motivational speaker, published author, media personality Linda Clemons put it straight, years ago;

"If it doesn't help you grow, it's gotta go."L.C. But, we have to experience what doesn't help us grow, for us to know.


LuCy sMiLeS

Take The Floor

"We do not have the power to change others, nor should we want to or try to, nor judge others for who they are, or how they act - we do have the power to change our relationship with self by healing from within, and speaking of what our needs are in our relationships with others. THIS BRINGS TRUE LOVE IN..."~
Love LuCy

If you are like me, you are extremely blessed with being surrounded by such supportive and sensational friends, who would do anything for you on a dime.
Looking back, we can be so proud of ourselves, and what we have accomplished for ourselves.
Moreover, we can be taken back by the love and guidance of those, who, when we couldn't as much as stand up four ourselves, they would jump in and take the floor, for us.
In my own experiences, which, I know, many of you can relate, I have had the pleasure of people, beautiful people come into my life, and show me my worth, when I could barely look at myself in the mirror.
People come into our lives, just when we need them. It may sound cliché, or a general way of looking at things. As many times as we have heard this, we can also confirm this to always be the case.
We are a collective energy. The magic of the Universe is a such-if we cannot do something on our own, someone, someone very special, will walk in, and take the reins for us.
I want to thank you all, who have taken my reins and taken the floor, for me, and on my behalf, at the times I needed you most.
They say the best is yet to come. If the best coming is anything like the best friends we have had, and still have, then there is nothing we cannot do, for if we cannot, alone, we have our friends to help see us through
LuCy sMiLeS


" What exists is what you believe"
LoVe LuCy

People work with information. We want it fast, we want it NOW.We, as human beings, living on this Earth, and get to know what we want, what we are looking for, by taking information and assessing it, to feed our needs, and our desires. When we are given an amount of information, we can then take it, and use it, to our benefit to make decisions. When the information that we have, changes, or expands, so do our choices. We all only do what we do, and only know what we know, based on the information we are given.More specifically, the information, that we take, and how we perceive it. What one person perceives with the intelligence, is not going to be the same as the next.

Being that we are so individual, we cannot perceive with the same similarity as another, even when the information given, is fixed.

The facet in which we retain this appearance of what we are being enlightened with will be pertinent to our memory in our cells, from what experiences we have endured, that are relative to this.

What we can do, in our present moment, to not be so attached to life, from all that we have been through, before now, is to take time to look at what is resonating with us, perhaps a fear, or a sadness, or an emotional tie to something. It may have been legitimate, because of before, but in learning and growing and expanding our awareness of self, we can look at these circumstance, simply to change them.

To change our attachment to emotions that no longer serve us, now that our lives are moving forward. We are always ever changing. We must decide what we wish to keep with us, if is is still of use, or put certain things to rest.


LuCy sMiLeS


" Your Wins Come from your Will" LoVe LuCy

There are so many qualities that each of us carry with us, each of which play such a pivotal role in our growth.

As we grow, and move forward, in our lives, we learn of ourselves, even more qualities.

Our experiences are what allows us to get to know ourselves.
They allow us to get to a place where we learn to love ourselves.

Love, in a word- is not always easy.
We may at times, feel we are not living to our greatest potential.
We may look back; only to see that we may have stumbled a few times, that somehow slowed us down.

We, perhaps, wish that we could have only gotten a little bit further, in our growth; a little bit faster.

A famous quote "Whatever you resist persists" had me in a situation that allowed me to look at life, in a whole new light.

There is potential for us, to walk forward, happier, more successful and more connected to Source, if we take a moment to reflect on our past, but in a special way.

Regretting something leaves us resisting what is, and staring at the lack in ourselves, rather than looking and embracing ourselves, and our lives, as a whole.

What we do, NOW, with what we HAVE and what we HAVE BEEN THROUGH, is what will allow us to cherish the moment, for what it is worth, and what we are worthy of.
Bring in the energies and attraction of those who believe in us, and project to us our worth, as we do them.

If we want something badly enough, we will use all of our strength, and all of our will to get it, whether or not we were ready or willing to do so before.

It doesn't matter what happened, with who, why or how.
What matters is now.

What are you going to do about it?

LuCy sMiLeS

In A Heart Beat

"Trust comes first, from within." LoVe LuCy

One of few constants when it comes to everyday life, is the ebbs and flows. We all do our best to bring out our best qualities, in all that we do, because we know that with showing up as best we can, we can see the best parts of ourselves, and bring out the best parts of others.

What we give, we get back.

What people give to us, we take in for what it is worth, in its value to us, and continue to flow accordingly.

Many times, in many ways, we can rush with our feelings, and rush with our responses, without thinking of what that will look like, or feel like, to others, in front of us.
We do not mean to harm others, when perhaps we react with habits that hinder our happiness. We are living and breathing with hopes of smiling, more often than not, and making people smile along the way!

Just as, in a heartbeat, we can know what makes us happy; we also, in a heartbeat, do that which does not!

It is so important, for us, to sit and be with our thoughts, and to think, before we speak, so we can be sure that what comes out, is out of love, respect and integrity.

Just as Mother nature reinvents herself, in the spring, we can also take inventory of what is not helping us grow, and reinvent ourselves with some "spring cleaning for the mind!"

LuCy sMiLeS


"If you Stop and Listen, You will Find" LoVe LuCy

The key element of unlocking any door, just as it is to locking them, is how we communicate our feelings and our views, to others.

How we choose to communicate with others reveals the state of which the relationship will flourish.

It is never so much what we are discussing, but how we choose to discuss it.

All of us have our own unique forms of communication, that we have developed over many years, and many relationships, up to now.

When creating a harmonious balance in our lives, we must not only do our best to see what others are trying to say, but we must also see, from within, what we are trying to voice, and most importantly, "why" we say what we say, and "why" we feel what we feel.

Our lives, and our paths, are precious.

Our right is to stand tall, in our power, and be our Authentic selves, to allow others to learn from all we have to offer, as with us, learning for those around us, equally.

How we choose to react, or respond to differing opinions on a multitude of ideas, and experiences can be challenging, when we are trying not only to maintain our individual flow, but also doing our best to empathize with those we are connected with.

The answers of what best ways we can grow together are not going to be the same for everyone.

There is no magic wand that can cast a special spell of how to dance in alignment.

What works for some, may be detrimental to others.

What makes our connections so special, is taking the time to learn, with others, how we can move forward, in mutual respect for our differences, and by focusing our attention on our similar characteristics, which is what brought us together, in the first place.

By stepping back and taking a good look, with patience and understanding, without getting ahead of ourselves; we can see many beautiful aspects that we can work with, even when things don't seem to be in working order.

Be open to love, in all its forms, and be open to forming your relationships with best, most loving intentions.


LuCy sMiLeS


"Some of the best advice is to listen"
LoVe LuCy

If we look at our lives, we can see so many experiences we have had, that usually involve others, or at least involve reaching out to others, for assistance, with our experiences.

Our friends are there for us, to lend a helping hand when needed, as we are, genuinely for them.

But at which point do we discern how much to take from the advice of others, as with how much advice to give?

Being that our individual experiences, and the emotions attached to them, are ours to own, and be accountable for; we must understand that when we are given encouragement, directions or counsel, we must sit with what that feels like, for us, in each circumstance, before making a decision as to how to move forward.

We can be given suggestions when we ask for them, but what we do with them, is what will create our lives.

Sometimes the best suited decisions can come from having or being that supporter to just simply listen, and let the other walk through their thoughts, to action!

LuCy sMiLeS


"In Loving Memory of the 'Wisest One' I have ever Met, Puppy Julius... you are loved"
All of us have been asked, at some point "What would you do if you were told today is your last day, here?"
"How would you spend your last hours, and with who, and why?"
Of course, whether we are asked, and whether we answer and whether we reflect on our answers, even for just a moment- we then, carry on with the perceived reality that this scenario is not so. For most of us, it isn't so.
For a select few, it unfortunately is. Our lives get so busy, and our stresses get so strong, at times, we can naturally allow life to get the best of us. We move along our days, rushing, while trying to slow down, not paying attention to the moments that go by, and how blessed we actually are, to simply just be.
As naturally as our lives happenings can distract us, we have a natural habit of being grateful for who and what we do have, unfortunately, when someone, or something is taken away. But how many of us wake up and write down what we are grateful for, one of which can be appreciating waking up, at all? May I suggest we all take this moment, now, to write down all that we have in our lives, and all that we have to offer others, along the way.
I beg of you to not let this moment go by, without seeing the magic of life. It is never a moment too soon.
LuCy sMiLeS


"Some of the best parts of life are getting through the bad."LoVe LuCy

It is no wonder when we are communicating with others, there can be a block of understanding, from one person to another.
Not only are we so different, we have lived different lives, with different experiences, which have shaped the way we think, act, and feel about life. While we are ultimately responsible for how we carry ourselves, we can have insight as to how so, by looking at the behaviours we are carrying from our past.

We are not perfect- that is fair to say.
But playing fair and giving others a fair shot at sharing their thoughts and feelings is a perfect way to live happily in a not so perfect World.

Our relationships with ourselves, and others are ever changing.
As is our assertion in changing limiting beliefs that are no longer serving us.
We are continuously making decisions ever moment we are creating our lives within our own individual dynamics and dynamics of the connections with those around us.

Sometimes, in our attempt to share our feelings, we can beat around the bush, stumble over our words, to the point of breaking down altogether, when doing our best to break down our emotions to others .

When growing relationships, we have a balance of give and take, in many aspects.
Like a lever, we push and pull, in hopes that our partners are able to work in harmony within this.
Sometimes, our pulling for attention and power to speak over another, can push them away.

By being more conscious of how our thoughts and behaviours affect the dynamic of our desired relationships, we can being to ask ourselves:

"What role do I play? How is this playing out in my relationships? Am I playing fair in my trade of feelings to those I love?"

In the heat of the moment, we can have the burning desires to take the floor.
But we can be floored at the results of our efforts, when acting on being fairly calm and collected in our conversations and giving our loved one a fair shot at doing the same.

LuCy sMiLeS

Ain't That The Truth

"Whatever you BELIEVE- is." LoVe LuCy

We are creating our lives every day.Each moment we wake up, open our eyes, and take our first big breath, and have our first big morning stretch- we are creating. We create our days, through the ongoing creation of our thoughts.What we think of ourselves, we are.What we believe is going to happen, usually in fact, happens. Yes, many times, here and there, we will get surprised at life's happenings.

We may be in a bad mood, and something will make us smile.

We may be happily going about our day, with such a positive outlook, but something or someone will throw us for an emotional loop. Needless to say, above and beyond the exterior entities, our minds over any matter, create our lives.

When we are living in a high vibration of energy- more often than not, from purely projecting loving kindness to all that we approach, and surround ourselves with; we experience just that same thing. Great things happen, plans seem to work out, and we feel ourselves smiling from within.

Our happiness in our hearts is so powerful it cannot be taken away merely by circumstances, even if they are chaotic in nature- unless we let it go, ourselves. Our natural demeanor of love and compassion, is strongest when we can hold on to it, no matter what comes our way.

And if we believe we can do this, we can.Anything is possible as long as you say it is. Ain't that theTruth!

LuCy sMiLeS

No Strings Attached

"If you look at everything as being a miracle you will never look to question things." LoVe LuCy

Our lives can take us for a ride, sometimes, leaving us uncertain as to not only which way to turn, but nervous as to how things are going to turn out. We can try to make sense of things as best we can, but many times, our journeys will take us where we least expect it! The details that we work through, in our minds, when we sit and ponder which decisions are best for us, can sometimes leave us a bit exhausted.

We spend a lot of energy staring into the future, and staring at all of the choices, in front of us, to be sure our futures will look as bright as possible.

We can save ourselves a lot of time and energy if we simplify how we step into ownership of our path; selecting to make a choice to simply walk in Integrity, give with compassion, and support with open arms, and no strings attached to expectation of getting anything back in return, to those around us. Sometimes the best answer is not having to look for the answers at all.

Our lives are an exchange of energy.How we give, and how healthily we grow, will come full circle back to us.

Instead of having to force making things work; just love who you are, love what surrounds you and be grateful for all the people in your life. I can guarantee great results for your efforts, with no effort at all!


LuCy sMiLeS

Head Over Heels

"Imagination, BELIEVE in it and your thoughts you choose to act on will become your existence... so be silly, have fun, fall in love, sit on a log and stare at the ocean, java and loved ones close by." ~CM

By being in a careful and in a healthy mind space, we can provide such positive energy to the world, starting with our positive thoughts of ourselves.

When being vulnerable to our emotions and sitting with why we feel how we feel, on no matter what the matter; we can make better and more beneficial decisions regarding any and all circumstances that are surrounding our everyday lives.

It is not what we go through, but how and how carefully we choose to respond, rather than simply to react to life.

Using our heads, to fulfill our heart's desires; without jumping the gun; rushing in a race, to force things, in even the steepest uphill battle, can teach us so many things about who we are, and what we wish to manifest in our lives.

The approach we take, in any situation is most positively progressed when we take our thoughts, in confidence, and recognize what our emotions are, without overreacting based on those emotions.With all of life's ups and down, we can stay grounded, and add value by being true to ourselves, and true to our hearts; standing head over heels in our decisions, and head over heels in love with all the magic of life's offerings!
L oVe,
LuCy sMiLeS

Give It To Me Straight

"Follow It By Action"
LoVe LuCy

Our lives, in relationships, and how this plays out is directly impressed by our initial communicative action.

How we act on our words, is how we act, in our lives.

It doesn't matter who we are, or who we are communicating with.
The same story is Universal, when it comes to connecting.

Words can harm and can heal, of course, but the course in which our lives flow is profoundly influenced by our exchange of acted upon communication.

So many times, when our actions are not matching our spoken sentiments, we can get confused in our connections, leading to a feeling of misalignment, or worse, mistreatment of trust and certainty.

It is even difficult to maintain a constant in our relationships to self, let alone manage our relationships with those that we love.

If we can build an able bodied structure of solid ground with ourselves, creating a foundation that enables us to understand what we need, in our own lives, to be grounded, and strong; we can then create and conserve that, in the same, with those we surround ourselves with, in return.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

A Drop In The Ocean

"What we think matters, so think wisely."LoVe LuCy

It doesn't really matter what we have on our plates- be it extremely urgent deadlines, or random worries...

We seem to have a knack of giving such life to even the smallest of woes.

Of course, anything, and everything that is happening, for us, and to us, in our lives, is important to us.But how important we make things, sometimes, of the smallest of things, can be what helps or hinders our health. Being able to let the little things slide, so we can keep the essential parts of our being at the forefront of our minds, and as the foundation for our lives, is where the magic lives.

Yes; we will have concerns; we will have controversy; and yes, we will jump to conclusions on matters, taking unnecessary many matters to the heart. Our sensitivities can set a tone to exaggerate our trials, or they can be used to tame our minds, and take circumstances for just what they are.

Circumstance, experiences, and chances to get to know more about ourselves, what we want in our lives, and more importantly how we want to show up, in our lives, and in our relationships.

LuCy sMiLeS

It's All Yours

"If you want it, be willing to let it in."LoVe LuCy

So much in our lives can be looked at as a catch 22.

We want; we want; we want. We want so much, and think we have to try so hard to get these things, be it material objects, career goals, or relationships, we forget to let them in, because we are focused so much on not having them. We focus our energy on the fact that we don't already have it, and as such, the universe looks at it just this way. I read a beautiful message this morning, on this matter, and it really spoke to my heart.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a list of things we wish to manifest, that are not yet surrounding us.

Wishing and hoping for all we ever desired to be a reality, not just a dream. But in our journey to find all that will fulfill us, we must believe, in our heart of hearts, that we already have all we need. Allowing our energy to be abundant, not lacking.

If we think and feel we are full of life, now, the universe will sense our abundance, and match it with abundance. By feeling we are living in scarcity, or without, the Universe sees this as our energy focused on empty, and reads its mission as matching it with more empty. Simply put:Like Attracts Like. So, whatever you want, and desire, believe you already have it, in order for it to truly transpire!
LuCy sMiLeS

Good Grief

"Just like Moms, bodies know best."

LoVe LuCy

How many times have you been forced to sit with yourself; to take in all the thoughts that have already been occurring, however, you chose not to allow them to speak? Our bodies being our temples; we must cherish them, keep them in best shape to help us move forward in the manner that will best motivate us to be our best.

When our minds get overwhelmed with chaos, and concern, our bodies will take a stand, sometimes so much as to make us sit still, or lay with our emotions, in a meditative state, that we would otherwise not have allowed.

When we feel we are sick, we are actually in a state of healing. Just as our voices speak our needs to others, our bodies speak our needs, to our souls, in many ways so we can listen clearly to the cares that need be attended to.

Being physically ill is never appealing, when all we wish is to be strong, and carefree, without burdens of being braced down by stress in its physical form. But the grief that comes from being physically feeble is an opportunity for our bodies to speak, and also chance to heal, which can be a good deed, allowing us to carry on in better health, emotionally, spiritually, and of course, physically.

So, give your body a rest, before it does it for you.


LuCy sMiLeS

You're Grounded!

"Punish not your self truth."
LoVe LuCy

When I was younger, I remember being grounded, my one and only time.
Oh wait, ok; twice.This one was the first time.
"When the street lights come on, darling; it is time to come home."
I didn't. And so I got punished. Hmmmm isn't that interesting. Just as within us, when a light flickers within our soul, with answers, we know this is what our inner truth is.This is the message to take with us, to guide us to our next step, ultimately, home. We are all intuitively connected with each other, and ultimately connected to Mother Earth, as she helps us move along our way, along our specific path; our individual journey. We can move forward and backward; side to side; sometimes, of course, seemingly upside down.
We can put ourselves down in fear that we are just not taking the best steps. "There must be a short cut around here somewhere?" Right?
Others will wave their hands at us; hoping we can see their motioning us to where they believe we should take our turn. Hands over their mouths; as we look, and then look away, and go our own way.
Then, in our blindside, we notice more waving of hands, some of those, in our lives, jumping up and down, with adamant clout, clenching their hands, when our choice differs theirs. When we are on a break, in our own mission to find the magical momentum to keep us going; we ourselves, jump in to the spectator role, observing and commentating on the course of others, as well.
With all that we do, with all that we are, we must take note from within, that the balancing act we are perhaps struggling with, is always right here, for us to take hold of.
The ropes are here to be held, and we can hold on as tight as we need.We are always grounded to our authentic selves.No matter the sequence of steps; the procedure we use to progress... Only we will know what is best for us.And remember, for others, too, the same rings true. LoVe,LuCy sMiLeS

Say A Little Prayer

"Sometimes beautiful isn't so hot."
LoVe LuCy

Just as we love to have everything going so well, and we look up above to thank whoever, for us, is on the receiving line; we can sometimes forget to take a moment or two during the day to ask for help, when not all things seem to be going so well. Many of us, in our daily ritual, do say a little something, amidst all the chaos that floods our minds and our lives. We have it in us, to be all that we can be.

There are days when we may feel we are getting it all, and all is well;And days when we wonder why our everything seems to be going away. Someone so very special in my life mentioned something to me the other day, and it rang true from this person's heart. "We believe that everything is meant to be when everything is going so well."

Very true. Because that is when we feel the Universe has a little crush on us, we are probably a bit proud, and doing out little dance on cloud nine.

All is well with the world. It is a hard pill to swallow, when we are told we have to use that same outlook, when the Universe, instead, seems to have a little bone to pick with us. But needless to say, either way...All is as it is to be.It is just a matter of taking the magic of the moment, for us to see.


LuCy sMiLeS

Sew What

"It isn't so much the thought but the acting on the thought, I think."
LoVe LuCy

We have thoughts on what we want, and we will think that right next to what we choose, from acting on our thoughts, will be a result of that choice, right away. This is not necessarily quite so.

Our choices; our decisions in life have a very timely manner. So much that in a manner of speaking, all that we desire, we make decisions based on, but will only see the desired results when the results are ready to manifest.

Time, whether we stare at the clock, set the alarm, or wind the arms, does not exist.What exists is the timely manner in which life is to take place.We are all a product of choice, and a product of our perception of what choices are best suitable for our positions, at the moment; we do our best to manifest the greatest outcome we desire, in our best interest.

Life, in all its magic, has only our best interest at heart.And when it comes down to the heart of the matter, what matters most is always having the most important people and perspective in the forefront of our minds, starting with ourselves.

And if we ever feel we are failing to look on the bright side of life, always be sure to have mind over matter, no matter what.And stay true to what matters most to you.It will always be the right thing to do.And believe it or not, it will help others you love, and that love you.


LuCy sMiLeS

Cling to Hope

"The World Shines, When You Do." LoVe LuCy

was up with the birds this morning, one of my favorite sounds.

We can learn a lot of the sounds of birds.We can learn a great many things from birds.If you have read some of my smiles, in the last year, I have a few of my absolute favorite experiences and lessons in my own life that came from birds, Las Vegas to Vancouver.

They are a universal miracle, these little ones.One thing that is constant in the morning, when I open my eyes, is the sound of birds singing, near and far. It made me put my personal purpose into perspective.Our lives are filled with very important messages, sometimes we just have to turn up the volume in our hearts, to grab what is being said.

And more importantly, we have to be open to where these messages are coming from. Answers are not always found just in books.

That is for certain...

Certainly, they are not all found on the news, or TV.

Our life's messages come from others, and specifically other beings, where big or small, sometimes the biggest messages of all come from the beings that barely stand so tall, in our view. So, today, live your life, connected to all things, and open your heart to everything and everyone that comes your way; knowing that any answers you need are right in front of you. If you feel you are attached to an outcome, turn that around, and simply cling to hope that all is working in your favour, today, and always.

LuCy sMiLeS

Salt Of The Earth

"There is No Better Way Than Up." LoVe LuCy

Within our day, we have the conversations with so many people that we come across, and then we have the conversations with ourselves, that come across our thoughts. If you are anything like me, which I just know you are; there are some conversations, within, which can stump you; confuse you; to the point of downright causing you to rethink everything you just thought about, altogether.

Then, in all bewilderment, before you, lies one, with many answers and messages, for all that you seek. It is strange, that we can go in circles and circles in our minds searching for disclosure on an array of issues we have attached to- and then, without a moment's notice, a lifetime of clarity comes straight for us, with the willingness to help. Life is always going to be one thing for certain- SURPRISING.

That almost seems like an oxymoron, if I recall correctly what the definition of an oxymoron is.But all kidding aside;

There is a magic in life, that when we get scared and feeling a sense that something is not right, someone comes into our lives, to remind us that we are still, alright. That though life will take its toll, and fear will play its role- someone is waiting, hoping to help us make sense of all that truly matters. Like" Salt of the Earth", if you will.And if you are willing, you will accept what is yours to have...Better- Yours to be...


LuCy sMiLeS

Law Unto Yourself

"The Best Person to Ask is You."
Love Lucy

Our lives are ever changing.
From the moments as the sun rises, in the morning, to setting in the night, so much has happened, that helps to shape our lives.
Some days will indeed come and go, with seemingly not so much as a wink, before we realize how fast our lives are moving; other days, we may feel like we are standing still, not sure what move to make, or worse, what truly moves us.

The moments in our lives, that breathe uncertainty can be the most integral moments, for us to sit, and be with our thoughts. When we have questions as to which path is going to work in our best interest, it is important to take interest in the thoughts and the physical feelings our bodies are sharing with us.

All of us, in some way, have support in our lives, and people who can help us in our contemplation as to what dynamics are working, and which ones may need shifting, to maintain and healthy balance.

While we are blessed with all the love and guidance we are offered, we must take this, as it is, and bring it into our hearts, for a final meditation, to see how and if it resonates with what our intuition is guiding us to understand.

Our loved ones always have our best interest at heart, and more often than not, when we look back, their feelings and their understanding of "right for us" is pretty on cue with our own core- but our choices must always be based on our true existence, our inner experiences, so we can continue our life, creating it from within.

Once we do this, and make decisions based on our personal truth, we can walk forward, in trust and in confidence, that we are walking our own path, best laid out for us.

LoVe,LuCy sMiLeS