"Sometimes beautiful isn't so hot."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
Just as we love to have everything going so well, and we look up above to thank whoever, for us, is on the receiving line; we can sometimes forget to take a moment or two during the day to ask for help, when not all things seem to be going so well. Many of us, in our daily ritual, do say a little something, amidst all the chaos that floods our minds and our lives. We have it in us, to be all that we can be.
There are days when we may feel we are getting it all, and all is well;And days when we wonder why our everything seems to be going away. Someone so very special in my life mentioned something to me the other day, and it rang true from this person's heart. "We believe that everything is meant to be when everything is going so well."
Very true. Because that is when we feel the Universe has a little crush on us, we are probably a bit proud, and doing out little dance on cloud nine.
All is well with the world. It is a hard pill to swallow, when we are told we have to use that same outlook, when the Universe, instead, seems to have a little bone to pick with us. But needless to say, either way...All is as it is to be.It is just a matter of taking the magic of the moment, for us to see.
LuCy sMiLeS
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