"Make the Most of The Moment, by Living Fully In It."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
It seems like never before have we, as a collective consciousness, been more attune with the ways of the World and the ways of how the Universe is exposing its upmost importance, in our individual lives. Perhaps, in my getting older, and I like to think, wiser, I am just noticing what big a role this Higher Power contributes to everyday living. Knowing and doing, in life, are very different. We can definitely be aware, be very conscious of what we are doing that isn't perhaps giving us our desired results, but we can tend to do it anyway. Those small voices, inside our heads, seem to speak over each other, doing their best to get noticed, at the same time, creating a chaotic situation for our mindset. We all have them. I like to call mine, the Goddess wanna be "Gremlin" vs. "The Goddess". Just as these two characters play in my own mind, life projects accordingly.
When, in communication, we take with us thoughts, feelings, and harboured emotions from the past, we create a circumstance that can already be destined for disaster. Mix that with another Beautiful Soul, whom we are connected with, doing the same thing, and I think you get the picture. When looking to create balance, and harmony in our lives, we must do our best to take each situation, case by case.
By bringing up a past scenario and adding it to the present picture, we are bringing our resentment, guilt, shame or anger, that needn't be brought up. Our defenses can get a rise in us, and may not allow us to rise to the occasion to create a communicative clarity with those we love.
Taking our time, and being present with present circumstances can allow our Authentic Self to come out, taming down that gremlin which, living and breathing directly from Ego, only speaks from the past.
Knowing that we have the power to shut up and shut out the voices that harm us, can be music to our ears, and the ears of those who are dancing with us, in love.
LuCy sMiLeS
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