"Give it all you Can, with all That You Have, and All That You Are."
LoVe LuCy
As A matter of Fact! How many assumptions or decisions have we made, I wonder, where without looking at all that is in front of us, first; we jumped the gun, or jumped to conclusions- without giving the situation a fair chance. We as humans, have a characteristic about all of us, even though we are all so different- that is very much the same. We all, in one way or another, when corresponding with one another, have a need to declare our feelings, and make sure that others know what is on our minds. We want to be understood; accepted; loved and cared for. How we convey our need for all of these things, can get in the way of the genuine need, itself.
Many of us, when learning how to grow with one another, come to the table with our own distinct methods of doing things; in our mind's eye, it is simply to us, how things are supposedly done "right."
How can we, then, be right, without having the other person have to settle for then, being "wrong." Facts are facts, to us, when it comes to our feelings on matters, just as facts are facts, to another.No one person's feelings are more important, more momentous, than the other.
In learning to communicate our feelings, and how we take in the facts of life, we can make monumental improvements by being empathetic to each other's feelings, just as though they were our own. As a matter of fact, if we can look 'out' to a situation, with another person, rather than putting the situation in the middle of each other, I'll bet our feelings will not only be that much more heard, but also that much more considered. Consider it done!
LuCy sMiLeS
LoVe LuCy
As A matter of Fact! How many assumptions or decisions have we made, I wonder, where without looking at all that is in front of us, first; we jumped the gun, or jumped to conclusions- without giving the situation a fair chance. We as humans, have a characteristic about all of us, even though we are all so different- that is very much the same. We all, in one way or another, when corresponding with one another, have a need to declare our feelings, and make sure that others know what is on our minds. We want to be understood; accepted; loved and cared for. How we convey our need for all of these things, can get in the way of the genuine need, itself.
Many of us, when learning how to grow with one another, come to the table with our own distinct methods of doing things; in our mind's eye, it is simply to us, how things are supposedly done "right."
How can we, then, be right, without having the other person have to settle for then, being "wrong." Facts are facts, to us, when it comes to our feelings on matters, just as facts are facts, to another.No one person's feelings are more important, more momentous, than the other.
In learning to communicate our feelings, and how we take in the facts of life, we can make monumental improvements by being empathetic to each other's feelings, just as though they were our own. As a matter of fact, if we can look 'out' to a situation, with another person, rather than putting the situation in the middle of each other, I'll bet our feelings will not only be that much more heard, but also that much more considered. Consider it done!
LuCy sMiLeS
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