"The answers are right under your nose."LoVe LuCy
Do you ever wonder how seamless it seems for so many people, who seems to just effortlessly find all that they are looking for?
We see those, in the media, who are celebrating their new found riches, or those who see to have had a lifetime of luck.
Oh if only we could also reap such ravishing rewards, in our own lives.
The Universe has a very interesting, and for some, misunderstood way of teaching us how to attract what we are seeking.
By focusing on all the things we just wish we could have, but do not, and focusing on all that others have, that we do not, our mind is making room for lack.
Not all of us will spend our lives being able to spend limitless amounts of money, or time, with and in luxury.
What makes some able to do so, and others, not so much, is how much time and energy we put on all that we don't have vs. all that we do.
Yes, we live in a world of duality, a world where not all of those living here have the same opportunities to grow, moreover grow such Empires as those, we deem Successful.
But Success and Riches, are above and beyond what the energy of money can buy.
Success and Abundance comes from who we are, not what we make.Personal success, is in how we serve our neighbour, but first how we see ourselves.
LuCy sMiLeS
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