"If you want it, be willing to let it in."LoVe LuCy
So much in our lives can be looked at as a catch 22.
We want; we want; we want. We want so much, and think we have to try so hard to get these things, be it material objects, career goals, or relationships, we forget to let them in, because we are focused so much on not having them. We focus our energy on the fact that we don't already have it, and as such, the universe looks at it just this way. I read a beautiful message this morning, on this matter, and it really spoke to my heart.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a list of things we wish to manifest, that are not yet surrounding us.
Wishing and hoping for all we ever desired to be a reality, not just a dream. But in our journey to find all that will fulfill us, we must believe, in our heart of hearts, that we already have all we need. Allowing our energy to be abundant, not lacking.
If we think and feel we are full of life, now, the universe will sense our abundance, and match it with abundance. By feeling we are living in scarcity, or without, the Universe sees this as our energy focused on empty, and reads its mission as matching it with more empty. Simply put:Like Attracts Like. So, whatever you want, and desire, believe you already have it, in order for it to truly transpire!
LuCy sMiLeS
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