"If you think it, it is."
Love LuCy
Love LuCy
It is not so easy, to be positive all the time. We can read books, say our affirmations, meditate, etc... Life can, and will get in the way.We may spend an entire week, focusing on our goals, accomplishing our tasks, and feeling great about our passions, and our productivity. Then life happens.
The thing about life is that it always gives us what we need, to see, to respond and to grow. Sometimes things that come into our view we certainly wish to turn a blind eye to, to protect us from hurt, pain, or simple awareness that it is there, for us to see. These are the times, when it is most imperative to stand tall, shoulders back, and breathe. With experience, comes enlightenment.With struggle, comes strength. How are we to know what we have inside of us, if our exterior circumstances don't show up, for us to see how we show up, in life? It is not always easy to believe that embracing our dark experiences brings us closer to self. We know that our thoughts are, then, our lives, so why not always focus on the positive? Because, positive doesn't always take place.
Sitting with, in observation, and detachment to life's happenings, whatever they may be, allows us to reflect, in a language of letting go, that no words will ever be able to express. Acknowledgement and acceptance to life, in good times and in bad, will allow us to acknowledge who we are, and accept ourselves as such. As well, as accepting ourselves, we can learn to accept others, and also learn, in our own hearts that with which we know, for ourselves, we are not willing to accept in our lives, to continue our growth. This is acceptance to let go. We are powerful beings, living, learning, and loving. We have the power within us to give to others as best we know how.
Just as we experience life, to see what we want our lives to look life, we will experience life to see what we do not want. And that is ok too.A lovely friend, Motivational speaker, published author, media personality Linda Clemons put it straight, years ago;
"If it doesn't help you grow, it's gotta go."L.C. But, we have to experience what doesn't help us grow, for us to know.
LuCy sMiLeS
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