"It only take a moment and a belief to be happy."
LoVe LuCy
What do you hold in your space?
Just as we all have a place to live; a space that we occupy material objects; that of which we desire- we also own space within ourselves of which, as well, we occupy. But is it that of which we desire?
Why is it we can go to our favorite shop and purchase nice things, be it pillows, painting, or pottery, to fill the space we call home, as pretty as we can; but our emotional and spiritual space of thought can get what seems like hand me downs? If someone offered us a raggedy blanket to place on our beds, would we accept?Would we feel obligated and take it from them, simply because it is offered?
Would we also, feel obliged then, to continue to carry it with us, and pay it forward to the next person?
I had been speaking of the various natural disasters with someone this morning, and in my personal opinion suggested the importance of our collective thoughts creating chaos, but also to embrace this as a lesson of the spiritual connectivity we have with each other, and with mother nature.
The faster we realize that the happier we are with self, and the more in tune we are with our own personal identity and purpose, the sooner we can project that onto others, whether a smile and hello on the street, or a "thank you". And, as cause and effect would so generously have it, Mother Nature would soon smile, too!
This friend shared a similar story, one of which changed their lives, forever, from over 30 years ago. While in traffic, someone had outraged him with their poor choice making him fumed to the deepest part of irritability. Just then, however, the person, acknowledging their mistake, looked up, saddened with their carelessness, and with non verbal communication, asked him for forgiveness, right then and there.
This friend decided at that moment, he will not longer allow such negative frustration to occupy his space, as he realized, in a snowball effect how that would be selfish, in any further encounter that day, where he carried this weight. Whether or not, going forward, someone will take accountability for their absent-mindedness or not, what occupies his own mind is his own responsibility. The World is not always fair. We may not always have fair game or a fair chance at getting everything we ask for, right away.But by showing up, right away, and holding our truth no matter what lies, deceit, judgment or blame may take place, we can sit at peace, and in comfort of the space occupying our thoughts as ours to own, and embrace.
LuCy sMiLeS
The faster we realize that the happier we are with self, and the more in tune we are with our own personal identity and purpose, the sooner we can project that onto others, whether a smile and hello on the street, or a "thank you". And, as cause and effect would so generously have it, Mother Nature would soon smile, too!
This friend shared a similar story, one of which changed their lives, forever, from over 30 years ago. While in traffic, someone had outraged him with their poor choice making him fumed to the deepest part of irritability. Just then, however, the person, acknowledging their mistake, looked up, saddened with their carelessness, and with non verbal communication, asked him for forgiveness, right then and there.
This friend decided at that moment, he will not longer allow such negative frustration to occupy his space, as he realized, in a snowball effect how that would be selfish, in any further encounter that day, where he carried this weight. Whether or not, going forward, someone will take accountability for their absent-mindedness or not, what occupies his own mind is his own responsibility. The World is not always fair. We may not always have fair game or a fair chance at getting everything we ask for, right away.But by showing up, right away, and holding our truth no matter what lies, deceit, judgment or blame may take place, we can sit at peace, and in comfort of the space occupying our thoughts as ours to own, and embrace.
LuCy sMiLeS
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