"A Moment is All You Need." LoVe LuCy
Of course, when we are contemplating our lives, we are looking into the future, as to how we want to see ourselves, where, and with whom.
We are hopeful that we can be strong enough to make the appropriate decisions to get to that appropriate place, for us.
It is scary, at times. What are we supposed to do, now?
What is the right answer to all the questions we have in our heads as to what to do next, to get to where we are just hoping, from these answers, we will go.
Some days, we can go through the hours, just simply being with, being around others, and not being so analytical about all the things we need in our lives, to be happy.
Other days, however, things will creep up into our little minds, and make us sit, think and feel a need to make decisions, about our present lives.
These are times, when our souls are calling on us to evaluate, within, if we are actually living in our element, and in alignment with our true essense.
Kind of like a Soul "Check-up".
It gives us the opportunity to be with ourselves, and be honest with ourselves, and our loved ones, what we truly feel is necessary for us, to be in a space of serenity, inside, even when circumstances outside, may prove to be much less that serene.
Being open, as much as we need, as many times as we need, to stay open to our truth, is so imperative to our growth.
No matter how fearful we are for what others may think, we must keep our true thoughts of our true selves in upmost care, before we can even begin to care for others.
If this means, for now, we sense that our needs are to simply focus on our needs, alone, for better understanding of life, as a whole; let that be all the sense that you need.
LuCy sMiLeS
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