"Make Your Move, and Move the World."LoVe LuCy
It is not always easy for us to go or what we desire.
It is not always easy for us to go or what we desire.
Many of us have a lot riding on us taking a risk, and making a move to follow steps in our mission for passionate living.
With all of the ideas of what we are supposed to be doing, and the appropriate and safe way to be sure that we are secure, financially, it can be tough for us, if we decide to give something less traditional a try.
What will people say? What if we go against the grain and take some time to actually test out if we can make it? How can we possibly be of working for ourselves, instead working for someone else. Not all of us desire the same thing.
Many of us are completely content with the safe structure and stability that comes with full time income, and that is great, we need these dedicated people.And these dedicated people are passionate about what they do.
But, ask yourself... What about you? What matters most, when it comes to our Heart's calling, is being able to open ourselves up to the possibilities, if desired and dreamed, for ourselves, that we may be here for something different.
How do we know if something is not going to work, if we don't give it a try?
Every day we are given messages, and signs as to how we can best serve the World, with our talents, that for some, are still hidden deep down inside, just waiting to be ignited and executed for the entire World to see. So take it from me...
If you feel that something is tugging at your Heart Strings and you fear you just couldn't possibly have it in you to dance to its song?
Get up, dust off whatever fears, worry, judgment or excuses you are allowing to cover your confidence, and take the bull by the horns!
Take it from A Taurus Bull, herself:)
LuCy sMiLeS
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