"What we think matters, so think wisely."LoVe LuCy
It doesn't really matter what we have on our plates- be it extremely urgent deadlines, or random worries...
We seem to have a knack of giving such life to even the smallest of woes.
Of course, anything, and everything that is happening, for us, and to us, in our lives, is important to us.But how important we make things, sometimes, of the smallest of things, can be what helps or hinders our health. Being able to let the little things slide, so we can keep the essential parts of our being at the forefront of our minds, and as the foundation for our lives, is where the magic lives.
Yes; we will have concerns; we will have controversy; and yes, we will jump to conclusions on matters, taking unnecessary many matters to the heart. Our sensitivities can set a tone to exaggerate our trials, or they can be used to tame our minds, and take circumstances for just what they are.
Circumstance, experiences, and chances to get to know more about ourselves, what we want in our lives, and more importantly how we want to show up, in our lives, and in our relationships.
LuCy sMiLeS
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