Surround Sound
"Whatever you do, add a little music to it"
Love Di
Surround Sound
Buses, car horns, police sirens, children screaming, dogs barking.
I use my mornings to walk in the world, and look at it in all it has to offer.
No ipod, no MP3 player, during this time, to mask out all the noise, but instead to take in the surroundings, with no judgement, no expectation, but just what is. Music in its most natural form.
Surrendering to the surrounding sounds of life is an amazing step in living in the moment, just for what it has to offer, not for what you expect from it.
As it is imperative to see through life through every lovely and perhaps not so light and gay offering, it is in the acceptance of what surrounds us that allows us a wonderful way of looking into what we are involved in.
We have every opportunity in front of us to be where we want to be. Perhaps not overnight, but certainly with due time. Surrounding ourselves with positivity, love, courageous and supportive friends is instrumental in our growth, and the growth of others. But first, we must accept what is going on, and growing on, around us, and acknowledge the world in it's order.
Take a step in the world, with eyes of truth and acceptance, and make a point of taking a moment to breathe in the realness of it all.
Live in the moment, and make the best of it as best you can, for what it is worth. There is music all around us, sometimes it is just about turning up your awareness a notch, to make out the words.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Please Stand Clear
"It is one thing to know what our best qualities are, but another thing to use them"
Love Di
In our lifetime, we not only spend much of our time learning, but we are then asked to evaluate which subjects we thrive in, and therefore will 'major' in during our days of educational lessons, tests, and finals.
Not so finally, we attempt to find the roles we can jump into that will utilize our talents, challenge us in a positive and impactful way, while we hope to make a deep impact on others.
While it is great to do a great job, we are all entitled to do that which makes us happy, and fulfilled; not only successfully, but wholeheartedly. There are millions of opportunities out there, but it is important to take on that which that brings out the best version of us, rather than trying to fill shoes that are not ours.
When push comes to shove there is nothing wrong with doing all we can to conquer the circumstances to get ahead, but don't push yourself to be or do something that is not called upon you to do.
So if you are uncertain as to where you see yourself and what you need in your life, take a moment to evaluate your strengths, your interests, and your capabilities!
When making life decisions, whether big or small, make a point to stand clear in your intentions, and watch nature take it's course.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
None The Less
"Sometimes the simplest thing to do can seem the hardest"
Love Di
Whether we are thinking in our sleep; while we eat;
while we are supposed to be using our
thoughts to focus on our jobs, we are always constantly thinking.
It is our thoughts that create our lives, since we
manifest that of which we create in our minds.
We know this, and yet, we still consciously, as much as subconsciously
make decisions to think of, and worry about less important things,
which are not allowing us to engage in a life that is abundant.
We surround ourselves
with only what we feel worthy to.
We create and attempt to maintain relationships that may not be in our best interest- simply because we think we must make it work, or we have failed.
Failure doesn't come from acting on something, even if it means leaving a situation, a job, or an environment that is not serving you. By taking positive action, we are using our strength to create a life that will allow us to flourish.
By doing so, we are not just serving ourselves, but we are also enabling those around us to grow in a better, and healthier direction.
It is important not only to focus on the great things that we can have, but it is also imperative that we take the step in dissipating the thoughts and the areas in our life that we are focusing on, that are giving us less, rather than more.
So while you are building and manifesting the life of your dreams, be easy on yourself: take your thoughts, and
"None the Less"
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Make Your Mark
"I know it was worth it, if I have the scars to prove it"
Love Di
"Make Your Mark"
When the new week sets in, we set up in our minds what we see ourselves tackling and accomplishing. Many times, as much as we would like, a new week does not mean a clean slate, to start over. For most of us, we will carry forward unfinished business from the week before that may make us feel a bit overwhelmed to get going.
As with business, our personal lives can take a toll from all the unfinished issues and energy that we still, today, carry with us, from yesterday's situations that we have not officially closed out.
But this doesn't have to be a deal stopper for moving on; instead a realization of what is holding us back, that we have not dealt with yet could be set in place.
Just as it is best, when finishing a week of work, to organize and take inventory on what has been left over, and needs to be taken care of; we must also take care of ourselves, on a personal level, if we are making changes, and moving forward to a new chapter, just as we would a new week.
Take the lessons, and the marks that may have even as much as scarred you, but caused you're a deeper understanding of who you are, of course- but be sure to close out any unfinished personal business and take personal responsibility when you need, so you can move on with a clear head and an clean slate.
Only then will you be ready to make your mark, on your own.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
No Purchase Necessary
"Buy me things, and I will thank you;
Bake me things, I will love you forever"
Love Di
Do you ever notice that when you feel something is missing, the first instinct we do, as humans, is reach for the credit card, and the keys and make a mad dash to purchase in our attempts to fill whatever the void is, we are experiencing?
I know, for me, in my many years as a woman, I can recall the many times I felt empty, my first course of action was to fill my place, emptying my wallet.
We cannot release the emotional burdens we carry by burdening ourselves, financially, and we certainly will not be in a better place simply because our place is looking a bit better from the new and temporarily exciting purchases.
In our attempts to find that happiness that we are all seemingly in pursuit of, no new purse or suit will have the answers, no matter how much time we spend and money we spend trying to mask ourselves with things.
The thing is this: We have everything inside of us, that we need, so forget this need to surround ourselves with things that have no value in our lives, no matter what the price tag says.
There is value in believing that we are priceless and worth everything our heart desires to attain, with no purchase necessary!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Hold On For Dear Life!
"It is not the have, but the hold, that is dear..."
Love Di
We have all lost things, or people in our lives, and in reflection, have wondered if we had done, or said something different, would things be different. It is never easy, going through a transition, when we may have only wished for things to be different.
So much of our time is wasted, with thinking, and focusing on the things in our lives, which, if taken away, would actually not mean much, and would mean no real loss.
So, why is it that we hold on to those things?
If you take inventory in your life as to what you hold dear, be sure, while you still have it near and dear to your heart, that you cherish and care for it with all of your heart.
Jobs, material belongings, even memories will come and go, but don't let go of what is important; of what you cannot imagine living without.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
One Fell Swoop
"Sometimes all happens at once; For all these things, all we need is eachother"
Love Di
Maybe it is just me, but it seems that at a time, when we are reaching a higher level of Spirituality and "Awakening" many of us may call it; we are also facing much despair and fear, economically, and socially.
Why is this so?
If we look deeper at all that is taking place, we can see the protection of the universe, and it's plan to ensure care among all, and among all things that are existing around us.
When it seems much is caving in, either in our own lives, or the world as a whole, we are that much more intuitively preparing ourselves, collectively, to assist and nurture under such duress.
Once we change our habits, we change our lives.
Making a habit of working together, and loving and supporting each other, makes getting through even the toughest of times seemingly easier.
Not every day is going to be spent tip-toeing through the tulips, but if we can surround ourselves with those that help us grow, and help those who may need a but more of a nudge to keep going, we may be surprised at just how fast our weeds will die, leaving room for the most beautiful flowers we ever saw.
It only takes one thought to change the world, and if we can do it in one fell swoop, there is hope for us yet!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Above All Else
Above All Else
For many of us, our minds start running before we have had a chance to take one step out of bed.
And to make matters more complicated, we play many roles depending on the people we are spending our time with.
As the day progresses, and we interact with our friends, colleagues, and families; much of our energy can be exhausted, before we have even had the opportunity to do for ourselves.
Many of us naturally feel the need to be there for all those that surround us, but may not realize the toll it takes not only on our time, but on our bodies as a whole.
We are aware that our moods are affected by our environment; not only the place we are at, physically, but those who we include in this space.
In order to maintain balance, we must, above all else, be true to ourselves, and true to what it is that we need in our life that will maintain harmony and true love.
Then, and only then, can you give enough without going
above and beyond what your body can handle,
allowing you to still have a handle on life.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Just Like That!
"Take it for what it's worth, not for what you expect to gain from it"
Love Di
Have you ever decided to do a little bit of tidying up, to find yourself moving every piece of furniture, opening and emptying every drawer and cupboard to find your entire living space in disarray? You realize that what was once a small project to subtly enhance your surroundings ends up in a giant mess, you don't know how you will be able to put all the pieces together?
We overwhelm ourselves looking at the whole picture and we scare ourselves with uncertainty as to where to begin to get back to whole.
Focus solely on one small and delicate area at a time, most of the puzzle will be pieced together before your eyes.
Don't get stuck on circumstance, this space you are in will change whether its the best place or the worst place you believe you have ever been.
Life is a series of lessons given one course at a time. So like a deliciously prepared 5 course meal- don't think of how the appetizer tasted while you are eating the main course, and don't envision the sweetness of the dessert when you are eating the salad.
Just enjoy every experience while you have it. And don't worry if you flop the a dish now and then.
Practice will make perfect; for you.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Dream On
"If my mind is capable enough to dream it up, the hardest part is done"
Love Di
What is it going to take for us to believe that we are not only entitled to all that we desire, the capablilities to achieve this lies within. It's in the palm of our hands, we just have to open up to it.
I have been on the side of despair; just as much as having been on the side of conquering some insurmountable feats in my life.
We all have.
Each and everyone of us has been through that of which we may have temporarily deemed impossible.
As much as we can worry for the worst things to happen, we can use that same amount of energy to visualize and create in our minds what we dream to be, in our lives.
With life's challenges comes rewards of self worth, self reliance, and self love. I can brave a storm, as long as I know that I am the one who walked it for me, for all the right reasons.
Do what you must for you, and pay attention to all that your thoughts are telling you, they only your best interest at heart...
We all pay the price for our actions, so if you want to make life easy, act on your dreams, walk with integrity, and wear the right shoes for the weather.
The results will be priceless!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Truly, Madly, Deeply
"If you can't give it your all, don't do it at all"
Love Di
If I had all the answers, chances are I would be typing in my own private Villa somewhere in the Heart of Costa Del Sol, Spain, sipping on a Margueritta and nimbling on tapas.
As it has it, looking around where I really am typing, it looks like I still have some research to do.
We all have the opportunity just as fairly as the next person, to have all the world has to offer.
The key to getting to that place we drool over is to be sure that what we are doing is what we truly, madly and deeply love.
Spending warm nights, with gentle breezes and luxuries beyond our wildest dreams may not happen overnight, but when we put our all into things, we will reap the benefits- it is just a matter of time, and patience while doing it.
It's a world of wonder, and a world of wonderful offerings.
Believe in yourself enough that you take in all the air and breathe from the deepest part of your heart.
Choose things to do that you are excited to put your heart and soul into...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Wide Open Spaces
"I figured out I can have anything my heart desires, as long as my heart is in the right place- go figure"
Love Di
Everyone of us has an energy field around us, that, whether or not we believe it, can pretty much carry us to the ends of the Earth.
It is a matter of our choice on how closed, or how open we wish to be.
To add to that, our vibrations also play a big role in our happiness, and in how happy those around us are.
We are all so influenced by our friends, and loved ones- so much that many times, we can take on their energy and vibrations, without recognizing it, hindering our personal growth.
Do you ever notice your behaviour, or your state of being can be quite different depending on the different people you surround yourself with?
Who you automatically laugh with; without even saying word.
Who you hold your tongue; or hold your thoughts from.
While it is our responsibility to be true to ourselves, and not blame others for putting us in certain "moods" or negative mindsets; we do, as highly empathetic human beings, allow for this to take place.
We all have it is us to be the best us, and we all learn from each other, so many things about ourselves, to help us on that path to greatness!
It is also important, however, while finding our true selves, to stay true to ourselves, and do all that we can to make the best choices for ourselves, be that what it may that will keep us at the best vibration.
This helps others rise to the occasion to rise high and be successful.
So take time out to help your friends, and all those you love, but be sure that you are making the best choices for yourself, first, and you will be able to best help them.
It is never selfish to take care of yourself, it actually would be selfish not to.
Love LuCy sMiLeS
Come Again?
"Even if I wanted to do it all over again, I wouldn't know where to begin...
So I will just keep on going..."
Love Di
It seems that every time I second guess myself, something or someone so amazing will come into my view, to remind me that I am really not to waste time guessing about life, and simply spend it living.
We are all so often staring so far into the future, and over our shoulders, hoping it will work out, but not so much as to realize that we create our future, now.
And our past no longer exists.
We are actually very smart, and more "on it" than we give ourselves credit for.
And when situations arise, that we feel we already took care of, just know that there is yet another lesson in it- it is not that you failed the first time, but that you took care of what you could, with what you knew how, and with all that you had in you at the time.
There are absolutely no wrong turns in life.
If you do a u-turn, and come again to where you already were- don't wonder why. Whether you think you are repeating something, you are not.
We are all progressing, and ever changing, moment to moment, different and better than we were moments before.
Even when life throws us for a loop, and we feel we have went back a few steps; we can just step back, look up and enjoy the view- it won't ever come again...
LuCy sMiLeS
"Much of life's confusion can be conquered by the simple act of smiling- at least you will look less confused."
Love Di
Our minds are bombarded with programs, judgment, fear, and past experiences; it is not always so easy to be certain what is right in front of us...
No matter how many books we have read through, or self development courses we have worked through; we are complicated beings. Ever changing, every single day.
How can we know everything?
We can, however, embrace what is in front of us, at any given moment, whether we completely understand it or not; instead to understand how it can help us see who we are, and how we are seeing the world. Every moment has something very powerful, it's a matter of how you look at it.
Not to mention, we struggle trying to always figure out how we are going to get from point A to point B, when all the while as long as we know why we want something, the "how" will soon follow, not only effortlessly, but understandably.
We can have all we want, the universe is generous like that; So don't spend so much time wondering the "how in the world you are going to get there", or "how the heck did this or that happen to you", so much that you forget what or why you wanted something to begin with- you will lose your mind completely!
We can be patient and gentle with ourselves-making a point, from point A to point B, to be as open as we can, as loving and respectful as we can, and true to ourselves, as we can, however we can.
We know it's not the destination, so much as the journey, so believe that however your life is right now, is just how it is to be; however, you have the power to make it better, if you wish...
Just don't ask me how!
LuCy sMiLeS
Strong as a OX
"I may feel small, sometimes; but I secretly know I can move the world with a simple thought; To me, that's huge..."
Love Di
Interestingly enough, sometimes, we may think we get it, but there is still much more that we need to learn.
A feather over my feet obviously didn't allow me the perspective of how things can be easy if we allow them to.
I have since met the bird.
Without coincidence, I walked to a place out from my usual path, in my own backyard, to find a bird, now, not a feather, fall at my feet.
She was beautiful and gentle, yet I did have to ask why she remained so close, not scared so much as to fly from me, as we stood toe to toe.
My first instinct was that she was hurt- which I realized she was.
She was wounded at the chest, not allowing her to fly.
I wept in shock and she looked, still gentle, and so put together, though she was far from. She stood breathing, as I started to lose composure wondering what to do to help, as she remained without any sign of fright.
Hours had passed, as she would stand there, still breathing, believing in life as it may.
Not knowing for certain, that hers, personally, would be a life, possibly taken today.
I prayed and I thought of her, as the sun would go down, and as it has it, high winds and soon, rain.
In the desert, I wondered of what fright she must feel, all alone, and still bearing her pain.
But she stood there, alone, and she took all that came her way, she put all of her doubts aside.
This small wounded healer, so innocent and sweet, not once has she ever since cried.
With the fear of her passing, finding her not surviving her storm, at last I walked away, and then slept.
I awoke to a backyard, minus one wounded; for she was furthest from anything inept.
She had not only experienced- she sat, patiently and persistently, believing that life takes its course.
And if you can open your heart out to faith and to love, there is no need for a space of remorse.
A small bird has taught the largest of lessons, of which I will carry each day.
That is it not that which happens, but how you react, and your strength when come as it may.
Love LuCy sMiLeS
Put a Sock In It
"There is something to be said for silence."
Love Di
There isn't too much that floors me, anymore.
I have seen it, done it, and thought it, and in the process of writing the book about it, so I know a thing or two about taking thoughtful consideration in choosing my thoughts. As it stands, even when many of my own thoughts, I cannot personally stand; thoughts are all that life really is all about.
We have choices in life, but our choices are a projection of what we believe, and from our thoughts we create all that surrounds us.
If I had a penny for every nervous, negative, and worrysome thought- which usually has alot to do with financial security- the crazy part about it is I would be financially free!
Think about it.
We all, really, at the end of the day- as much as we would thoroughly enjoy having "it all"- simply want to be sure that we are cared for, financially, so we can enjoy all that life has to offer, without worry.
We have more in common than we realize.
But if our common thoughts are focusing on the scarcity in our lives, and wondering how we will get through, when times are tough- we don't make way for building on solutions, resulting in building the financial dynasty that we all know we have in us.
We have our ups and downs, and times will get tough, but if we can transform our thoughts to create a positive shift, we may knock our socks off with the results!
Perhaps when you notice yourself get carried away with negative voices, you can start by putting a sock in it.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Light As a Feather
"We all have wings,
we just haven't used them yet"
LoVe Di
In walking yesterday, a beautiful black feather breezed along my foot, just enough for me to catch it, before it was to continue its effortless journey throughout the universe.
I use many of my daily experiences to my advantage when it comes to seeing things in my own life for what they are. Isn't that the point? We can walk with our eyes closed, and come up with confusion for what is going on, so we don't have to feel it was our creation... Or we can allow the moments to take our breath away, and in some cases make us stop dead in our tracks, to catch our breath, and grasp what is going on. In my case, I was to grasp a feather, and realize what this meant for me, and for my life, at that very moment.
Our trials are only as easy or as hard as we allow them.
We can breeze through things, and focus on the solutions, or we can be weighed down by them, not being able to see that there is a light of day.
We will get heavily hit once in a while, all of us.
Every last one of us.
Understanding that we are capable of changing not only our circumstances, but our views on them, we can then create all that we ever imagined, and be accepting when not everything falls on our laps like we would all like.
We have all heard it "This too shall pass", but if you can take it one step further and be open to all the magical messages that pass you along the way, that are yours for the taking; perhaps you will be able to breathe easier when scarier than normal circumstances may leave you trying to catch your breathe.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Are We There Yet?
"Not only do I wonder if I am almost there yet, sometimes I am not even sure where I am going..."
Love Di
We have heard it... We have asked it. How much longer until we reach the final destination so we can start living.
All of us are here, working on ourselves, and working whether for ourselves, or someone else, so we can finally get to that place!
You know; that place?
That place where once we reach it will make this all worthwhile.
The headaches, the long days, the sweat, you name it, it will be worth it.
The place where it will all make sense, where we can finally sit back, kick our feet up, and say " The ride was long, bumpy, and a bit exhausting, but we made it..."
We have visions of what it will look like. The water is crystal blue, the air is clear and the sun always shines.
It's so exciting, we can almost smell it.
But then we come back to reality and realize we still have a ways to go.
We are hoping we took the right turn that is going to get us there, untouched, and unharmed not to mention, soon. We are still healing from the few bruises, and scars we endured when the vehicle broke down and we had to walk part of the way on foot; falling over our feet a few times.
But it will be worth it once we get there.
There is no right or wrong on the road we are on, the only thing to know is we are where we are right now, and that will always be the right place to get to where we are going.
And, if you are wondering if you are almost there yet?
The answer is yes, you are.
LuCy sMiLeS
Cut To The Chase
"It seems whether I go in circles for an hour, or a day, I end up right where I was!"
Love Di
It is true that no matter how you slice, dice, or chop any situation, it is what it is. How we look at it, and what we chose to do with it, is what matters. We can walk away; hide; pull the sheets, or the wool over our eyes- depending on how much you pay for your bedding; but one thing will always remain... The same thing that was in front of us, before we attempted the escape, is still there.
I speak from experience when I say it feels much worse dodging the issue, whether it be procrastinating a task, not picking up the phone to deal with pending bills, or bickering with a loved one... We are going to have to face the music at one point or another, so why not just stand tall and take it like a Man? For all you women out there, we know we can be just as much a Man as the best of them- so there is no discriminating here!
The recipe for a good life is so simple, so original, and doesn't need complicated tweaking, adding more ingredients to make it sweeter.
All we all want is to love, and to be loved,
But when we mask our lives with focusing on all the scary and unnecessesary things, we take away from the original recipe.
Pay attention and pay up all that you have to, to take care and to be sure you are secure, and safe in life- don't run in circles in fear or in frustration, just take the steps that are paving the way to success, one step at a time, moving forward...
We are so busy chasing our dreams, and running from our nightmares, that we can overlook the simple acts of kindness and the simple words and gestures to remind those that we love, simply that we love them.
We could be surprised at how subtle reminders that we are cared for can assist us in cutting all the red tape of fear, and can help us take a step back and see what was hard for a moment, is easier done with the support of our amazing circle of friends.
Love, LuCY sMiLeS
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