"Delivered however many ways, the truth still comes out just the same"
LoVe Di
With all of the relationship connections we have in our lifetime, not to mention, all at one time, let alone our relationship we are trying to work on with ourselves, it's no wonder we can get a bit confused about our feelings, our intentions, and of course the intentions of those around us.
When it all comes down to it, we truly, in our hearts can sense a comfort, a trust and an acknowledgement of what relationships are working for us, and what relationships we needn't try so hard on making work.
Not to say that we should just up and leave, giving up on something that could prove to be a wonderful energy in our life, but there are times when we must take the high road, which is in fact, not trying to pave out a road, where a road needn't be paved.
No all relationships are meant to work out to the very end of time, but many are here for the time needed for us to not only figure out what we do want to surround ourselves with, but also what doesn't fit in our lives, to better our lives- and that is ok, too.
We owe it to ourselves to understand as much about ourselves, so we can give to others, in ways that will allow them to grow and be the best they can be, however that relationship may look like; but also understand, that we shouldn't kid ourselves into believing that every single connection is a lifetime matrimony.
That's what friends are for, however they come and go, or come and stay.
We will have those that stay with us forever, some for a while, others for a moment, and a few for a glance.
We can't have it all with everyone, or we would leave no one for everyone else.
Although to have it all would be wonderful, wouldn't it?
Who am I kidding?
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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