When was the last time you felt successful? Or can you even remember? To look further, we must understand, in our minds, what the vision of success?
How it looks like to us. Our ideas of success will differ not only geographically, and demographically, but it will certain differ dependent upon what we have been breed to believe success was, growing up, in our own households, and in what we surrounded ourselves with.
To live in a society where success is measured by money, education, assets, or specific accomplishments recognized by highly acclaimed decision makers, we may, individually be ultimately brushing off what our own true sense of success is.
To truly be successful, is to truly be following our dreams, taking individual steps to be in integrity with our set vision, and ourselves, and to walk a path that we, for ourselves, are creating with the our best interest at heart, and those around us.
We don't have to attempt to be what others have been, or do what others are doing, to make it successfully, in our lives.
Measure your success by doing what feels right, in your heart, creating your own destiny, based on using your own skills, talents and actively working on continually being the best "you".
Don't feel pressured to go by the book in all instances in your life, unless you wrote the book, yourself.
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