"My idea of a good time is to make it one!"
LoVe Di
We have all been there. Times get tough; we feel in a rut, and things just aren't going as we planned for them to.
Sometimes, even standing on our own two feet seems like an impossible feat.
No matter what challenge, what issue or what traumatic situation you are faced with; many times just the voice, shoulder or hand of a friend can make even the hardest of times seem bareable.
We are all going to go through many tests of strength in our lives, be it financial hurdles, personal paranoias, you name it... But if you can name off a few amazing and supportive friends that will take your call and be there for you when you are in need of them; things will look up. I can promise you that.
I know, I have been there, and I have had the financial hurdles from long distance dialogues to prove it!
Not to say that we can cure a choas or crisis with just a call, but there is definitely hope for us yet, when we can call out to those who love us, and are willing to listen to us when we may feel like we are on our last breath.
Just breathe in and breathe easy knowing not only will this, too, pass; but remember also not to pass up the opportunity to phone a friend, when you need.
They are always literally a phonecall away.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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