Out on A Limb

Since our early childhood, we have experienced many situations, many interesting or striking complex affairs that have ultimately lead us to where we stand, today, and how we stand up and show up in our lives, and our relationships.
Our personalities, our behaviour and our views on a multitude of issues and instances will highly differ, no matter how close and similar we may be to our friends, and those who we share our lives with.

While some of us will be more open to taking a risk and putting it all out there, with vulnerabilities visible, it sometimes will take others a bit of time, before they can trust in taking an extra step out of their comfort zone to see what the world has to offer.

Both of which are understandable, once we understand a person in their authenticity.

We can sometimes be blue in the face expelling energy in our attempt to want to show people what ideas, decisions and resolutions would be in their best interest, when we may feel they are lying stagnant and not growing, out of their programs.
But what works for one does not always work for another.
We are all growing at our appropriate pace.

Just as one may feel it best to take the risk right away, and jump into life from the get go, we must sometimes go out on a limb, and allow for others around us to walk their path, as theirs, comfortably., without pushing them to show up, where they are not ready to show up.

Showing up in relationships is showing support for each other no matter where we stand, just be sure not to compromise your own place and posture.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

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