"Sometimes we must go in the entirely opposite direction to make any real progress..."
LoVe Di
Our minds are very powerful things. We know this. We read about it, we talk about it, and most importantly- we experience it for ourselves, just how profoundly preeminent our emotions are in our lives, and how our minds set the stage for all that we live and breath.
Our connection between our emotional well being and our physical well being are so directly correlated, and we can become aware of how possibly exhausted our minds are, when our bodies decide to tire out as well.
As with our inner alarms, our physical selves speak up loudly for us to hear and take into account that there is need of a resting period.
Many of us have experienced burnout by not allowing our bodies to rest. We see the signs that it is time to slow down, but we keep going anyway.
This resting period may not only be a sign that our bodies need some TLC, but it could also be looked at as a possible sign that what we need to see in our lives- direction wise- may only be understood when we slow down the pace, and perhaps stop for a moment to take in what we may not otherwise have been able to take in, if we are taking off at a hundred miles an hour, in every direction.
So if your body sneaks in a sniffle and a sneeze; surrender to a sweet sleep, and follow your dreams...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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