"Too bad life couldn't be like a skill testing question:
Fun times + 100 X (Laughter + Adventure) - Broken Hearts=...
LoVe Di
So Far, So Good!
Sure, if we had it our way, we would exchange all the experiences not so attractive that we have endured and add in more care free, and venturesome situations to take their place.
It's not always easy to wake up feeling like everything is going splendid, and our lives are superb, when in fact, we may be feeling a lack for things we wished we had in our lives; things we wish we had done differently, or as much as even done at all...
Of course we all have days when it seems like to even set foot on the floor may feel like it is setting a milestone, when our thoughts may be miles from attending to any affirmative action.
But look at it this way; if you can look back on who you have been, what you have done, and who you have helped along the way, you may notice that all the not so splendid experiences you have encountered were integral for you to be strong enough and moreover courageous enough to make the next decisions.
For as far as I can remember, all of what I have personally experienced was so fundamental to where I am now, that taking anything out of the equation could perhaps be a recipe for disaster!
I think we should recognize that we have done a pretty good job so far with our choices, including the few detours we may have taken, and crossroads we have stopped and pondered on for a little longer than we may think could have been; so let's scrap any woulda shoulda coulda's we may have otherwise accepted, and exchange them for a good time!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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