Oh, we have all been there... We make decisions, or contemplate our choices, that we know, very well, are not in our best interest to follow through with.
Of course, no choice is the wrong choice, as it leads us into learning a lesson that we obviously have not passed, prior to this point.
Our worlds are always changing, and amidst this, our worlds collide with so many different people and different circumstances, that sometimes, what we may feel is right, at the moment, may be a place we would never set foot in, in hindsight.
And just as so; sometimes, we are faced with the fact that we are further along in our "becoming" that we may have lead on, to ourselves. This can be just as scary as being disapointed for not becoming who we want to be.
If we wish to attract all that we every imagined, we must first imagine that we are worthy of good things, but moreover, make choices that come from the goodness of our hearts.
They say good things come to those who wait, but if you can do good things, while you are waiting, perhaps you can not only take years off your life, but make these the best years of your life!
I'm just saying, for goodness sake!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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