In our lives, we go through many transitions,
whether personal, professional, spiritual- you get the picture.
As the picture of our lives changes, we not only seem to
change our exterior environment, but our inner selves
and all that we carry with us, in our minds, and in our hearts.
Our decisions as to what we keep with us, is far more important than we may think.
Much of this may be far more beneficial to leave behind,
rather than to weigh us down, as we progress.
When we decide to move on, or to make a shift in
our personal course, we must consider, of course,
what we need and needn't pack with us... We all have
"baggage", which can hinder our path,
If we chose to bring it with us,
instead of learn from it, and leave it well enough alone,
as we walk forward.
Just as we gather all of
the necessities to take on a trip,
always realizing we could have done without many of the
items that are not really going to serve us in our journey;
we can do just the same in our travels in personal growth.
Claim all that you own, emotionally, so you can work through
your life with knowing how you got to here, but know,
that going forward, you are not obligated to continue with everything!
So lighten up!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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