Musical Chairs
"The cost of living is high enough, I don't want to pay the price of living someone else's life." ~LoVe Di
If you think of an experience you have lived through, whether a tough time, traumatic, or worry some- if you are anything like me; what usually comes to mind is the support surrounding the experience, while you endured it, rather than the experience itself, or perhaps the music that you listened to to get your through.
Sometimes, the hardest times can come when you feel the pressure of having to react or be a certain way in a certain instance, depending on how you feel regarding expectations of you from your friends and family. This causing a sense of doubt, guilt and fear for making the wrong choices.
Every episode is individual, since each of us can only bring into it the knowledge, the understanding and our own personalities and behaviours. We cannot sit in someone else's experience.
Just as many have expectations or hopes for us, we also will find ourselves perhaps whispering under our breaths for others to make decisions, or root for them to "make the right choices" that we feel are right. Fortunately, there is no right or wrong, as what can be right for one, would be wrong for another, it just simply depends on the person.
Our most important role for each other, is to be sure that we give the energy of support, while each of us walks our path, perhaps tripping a few times, over each other, and maybe worse falling over our own two feet.
You owe it to yourself to do what you feel is best at the best of times and at the worst of times.
What's the worst that can happen if you give it your all?
And having a friend there to listen to you, when you may not even be able to hear yourself think, can be music to your ears.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Once Upon a Time
... And they lived happily ever after.
Wouldn't that be amazing, if all the stories and fables we were told as children were true, not just tales?
But they are just that, right? Tales...
The tests and turmoil of the Princes and Princesses; the lessons and experiences brought on by evil goblins and enemies unlike anything we have accompanied- and thank Goodness.
I don't know about you, but if I found a Dragon in my forest, I may not find life so enchanting.
However, learning of strength attained after all the mental and physical anguish cast upon the characters.
How, in the end, whether all turned out well, or whether pain was indeed endured, but evil indeed eradicated- the moral of the story would leave us spellbound with a deep understanding of life, and it's lessons.
Everything we experience, in our own lives, is just as told in a tale. It's true...
We live, we love; and once in a while, we hurt and we move on- bigger, better, and stronger... We carry with us all the armor that we feel will personally protect us, and hopefully, we can let our guard down once in a while to participate and progress... We don't have to be a Prince or Princess to play a big part in the story.
As for happily ever after? I believe in fairy tales...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Members Only
As we get older, not only do our bodies change, but our interests, our talents, our creative outlets, and therefore our networks.
It was always taught as we grew up, the power of sharing, and of getting involved with groups, and clubs, to assist us in our social development.
We would try out for our favorite sports teams, educational programs, or sign up to be involved in a multitude of events that may not only peak our interest, but hone in on where our strengths lie.
If you are like most of us, we feel a need to be part of something, to help us in identifying ourselves, and our personalities.
Even as we grow older, and stronger, there will be days where we just feel like we don't fit in anywhere specific, and may cause us an identity crisis, or perhaps as much as a breakdown.
We all owe it to ourselves to breakdown our barriers and stimulate our lives with a motivation and focus that will serve as a positive outlet and a balance from the hectic work lives we are leading.
If we can take time for ourselves, and lead ourselves in the right direction by writing down and looking closely at what we enjoy doing, and where we enjoying going; perhaps we won't get stuck doing something, or being somewhere we just don't want to do or be.
And we are not always going to be part of every crowd, so take those times to be on your own, and make the most of every minute! There will always be times where we are pulled in every direction, so don't get stuck in a rut!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Inquire Within
"If someone gave me not just a penny for my thoughts,
but another penny for every second thought, I would be one rich woman!"
LoVe Di
All of us have the select friends that we call as soon as certain "things" hit the fan or when push comes to shove, and then again when the dust settles, to thank them for enduring us throughout the storm.
It is so wonderful to have unconditional support that allows us comfort through tough times, and to remind us, even when we are acting crazy- that we are not crazy. Most of the time, anyway.
Just as important as it is to have friends to confide in, and a hand to reach out to hold, when we may feel like we can not take hold of situations, or sometimes what life has thrown us- we must believe that all that we need comes from within.
Our thoughts can get the best of us, and our hearts can find us confused many times throughout our lives.
Having second thoughts about what we want, where we are, and how we are feeling is absolutely normal. We all have times where we fear that making one decision may be so detrimental we start over analysing our every step, sometimes to the point of stepping down from making any decision at all.
Be ok with stopping and sitting with yourself, before moving forward, if you are not sure which move to make.
Not making a decision is a decision in itself.
Make time for yourself and believe that you already know.
When opportunity arises;
Inquire Within
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Just One of Those Things
I think I can; I think I can; I know I can... I just don't know where to begin..."
Love Di
It's back... Monday. Almost like we cannot remember that we had a weekend-
Saturday and Sunday are long gone and
we are already back into the swing of things.
Waking up refreshed and ready is one thing, but trying to remember
what we have going on, from last week can take a toll...
No matter what line of work we are in, we all have lists of things to do,
and we all have a lists of things we would much rather do.
Most of the time the hardest part of our to do list is knowing where to begin.
Any time we tackle the tasks, we always realize our efforts to execute things
are less energy draining that the witting, worrying, wondering
and wasting of time not wanting to get started.
Just because we have a million thing on our plates, doesn't mean we have to do
everything at once, or even think of more than one thing at a time.
My suggestion for time management, is do one thing at a time, take your time doing it,
and stop wasting your time worrying about absolutely everything else that you have to do,
that you are not doing, while you are trying to everything else.
Believe me it will be there waiting patiently for you start it, so don't kill yourself;
It's just one of those things...
LuCy sMiLeS
The Tie That Binds
"If I had to do it all over again?
Sure, why not. Just let me change my shoes"
LoVe Di
Going back in our minds, we may shake our heads with "what was I thinking?" thinking of a select few people, ~way back in the day~ that we either were friends with; dated; or hey, maybe even married!
We look back and wonder why we did what we did, or who we did what we did it, with...
It is an interesting fact that we have changed dramatically since then, but moreover we have changed dramatically because of then.
All too often, we will analyze, judge, or as far as condescend the situations, or worse- the people that we have experienced life with, and even worse, we will blame them for where we are today- if where we are just so happens to be less than our favorable dream life we are still waiting for to be handed to us, or for some, mailed to us, first class stamp...
Every instance, every person, and every experience we have is so important, but the most important part is that we are all connected, and what allows us to grow and learn is everyone we have ties with, and all of the bonds we have created- of course some broken, but nonetheless, they have been brought to us to build our lives, and our hearts.
Love is blind, perhaps. But opens our eyes to too many things to not let it in...
So don't lose sight of love, and embrace the ties that bind you to those you love, and never forget to remind them...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
We'll See
"Last time I checked, I was still me.. I guess I have big shoes to fill"
LoVe Di
" We'll See"
I pray for so many things, hoping I will see some sort of answer... patience being top of them all. I never wanted to lose sight of what was important, but I always wanted to see answers to my prayers as soon as possible! Remember our parent's answers to so many questions? Different question_ always the same answer... "We'll see!"
So many times in our own lives, we chose not to allow for the best conclusion through proactive determination and ambition- but instead wait for other than ourselves for who we are and where we end up...
How is that possible that we can make all things possible; limited? But chosing "us" how others see us, rather than "who we are?"
Let's believe that we are capable of all things possible and create all of the experiences we believe we can see, visible, and moreover- possible for ourselves....
If I had known that I can have everything I ever wanted, ever- well... I have a bit of catching up to do...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
So Far, So Good!
"Too bad life couldn't be like a skill testing question:
Fun times + 100 X (Laughter + Adventure) - Broken Hearts=...
LoVe Di
So Far, So Good!
Sure, if we had it our way, we would exchange all the experiences not so attractive that we have endured and add in more care free, and venturesome situations to take their place.
It's not always easy to wake up feeling like everything is going splendid, and our lives are superb, when in fact, we may be feeling a lack for things we wished we had in our lives; things we wish we had done differently, or as much as even done at all...
Of course we all have days when it seems like to even set foot on the floor may feel like it is setting a milestone, when our thoughts may be miles from attending to any affirmative action.
But look at it this way; if you can look back on who you have been, what you have done, and who you have helped along the way, you may notice that all the not so splendid experiences you have encountered were integral for you to be strong enough and moreover courageous enough to make the next decisions.
For as far as I can remember, all of what I have personally experienced was so fundamental to where I am now, that taking anything out of the equation could perhaps be a recipe for disaster!
I think we should recognize that we have done a pretty good job so far with our choices, including the few detours we may have taken, and crossroads we have stopped and pondered on for a little longer than we may think could have been; so let's scrap any woulda shoulda coulda's we may have otherwise accepted, and exchange them for a good time!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Enter at Your Own Risk
"Sometimes we must go in the entirely opposite direction to make any real progress..."
LoVe Di
Our minds are very powerful things. We know this. We read about it, we talk about it, and most importantly- we experience it for ourselves, just how profoundly preeminent our emotions are in our lives, and how our minds set the stage for all that we live and breath.
Our connection between our emotional well being and our physical well being are so directly correlated, and we can become aware of how possibly exhausted our minds are, when our bodies decide to tire out as well.
As with our inner alarms, our physical selves speak up loudly for us to hear and take into account that there is need of a resting period.
Many of us have experienced burnout by not allowing our bodies to rest. We see the signs that it is time to slow down, but we keep going anyway.
This resting period may not only be a sign that our bodies need some TLC, but it could also be looked at as a possible sign that what we need to see in our lives- direction wise- may only be understood when we slow down the pace, and perhaps stop for a moment to take in what we may not otherwise have been able to take in, if we are taking off at a hundred miles an hour, in every direction.
So if your body sneaks in a sniffle and a sneeze; surrender to a sweet sleep, and follow your dreams...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Alarm WIll Sound
“If only we could put our inner clocks on vibrate…”
Like clockwork- well actually, literally clockwork; our alarms will ring, bright and early for us to start our Monday mornings, making a fresh start to the week.
As much as we not only detest this sound- many times, in our attempts to deny it, we will press snooze as much as we can without risking being late getting to the pressing issues at work, waiting for us.
Just as our alarms will sound in our homes, our inner alarms do just the same to allow us to acknowledge when it is time to pay attention to something. Our inner alarms act like a warning sign when the subtle signs of our intuition are not strong enough to grab our attention. Kind of like a strong cup of espresso to get our brains functioning where they certainly wouldn't otherwise have the slightest clue.
These alarms sound loudly enough for us to have to stop , and take action. Whether or not we chose to listen and execute a task of growth, or press the emotional snooze button a few more times- we can be sure that “just like clockwork”, the alarm will sound again.
We all have wake up calls, it's whether or not we chose to sleep in that makes all the difference...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Who Am I Kidding?
"Delivered however many ways, the truth still comes out just the same"
LoVe Di
With all of the relationship connections we have in our lifetime, not to mention, all at one time, let alone our relationship we are trying to work on with ourselves, it's no wonder we can get a bit confused about our feelings, our intentions, and of course the intentions of those around us.
When it all comes down to it, we truly, in our hearts can sense a comfort, a trust and an acknowledgement of what relationships are working for us, and what relationships we needn't try so hard on making work.
Not to say that we should just up and leave, giving up on something that could prove to be a wonderful energy in our life, but there are times when we must take the high road, which is in fact, not trying to pave out a road, where a road needn't be paved.
No all relationships are meant to work out to the very end of time, but many are here for the time needed for us to not only figure out what we do want to surround ourselves with, but also what doesn't fit in our lives, to better our lives- and that is ok, too.
We owe it to ourselves to understand as much about ourselves, so we can give to others, in ways that will allow them to grow and be the best they can be, however that relationship may look like; but also understand, that we shouldn't kid ourselves into believing that every single connection is a lifetime matrimony.
That's what friends are for, however they come and go, or come and stay.
We will have those that stay with us forever, some for a while, others for a moment, and a few for a glance.
We can't have it all with everyone, or we would leave no one for everyone else.
Although to have it all would be wonderful, wouldn't it?
Who am I kidding?
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
It Goes Without Saying
"Success doesn't happen overnight, but a good night's sleep won't hurt my chances of it happening! "
LoVe Di
It Goes Without Saying Putting something in place, to invest for tomorrow, as we live in the present moment may not be the easiest and simplest way to spend our energy. We want to make the most of our moments, but also want to be sure that we are considering the safety of our future.
There are so many stresses we all face, individually, that may make us feel a bit alone, scared, and often times a bit nervous as to what is the next best thing to do.
But besides having our own personal fears, we must realize, it is in our own best interest to share our thoughts, open to those who love us, and communicate what is on our minds. You would be surprised as to how many friends and people in your life are actually going through many of the same issues, and fears in their personal lives.
Sometimes by speaking our mind, what we need to do to help us feel is most comfortable path for us to take, to make it to where we know we want to be, can be even more clearly understood!
It goes without saying that friends lending an ear can be just the support we need, but to go without saying anything, we will never know!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
I Believe So
"My brilliance shows up at my most playful moments" ~ LoVe Di
Think of a time when things all seemed to work out effortlessly.
Ok, don’t strain your mind so much- there has been a time- you are just thinking too hard.
Do you notice when you focus on things you want so badly, it seems as though they are harder to achieve?
If you are like every single one of us, we are very productive in making things harder on ourselves, and overly complicating matters, when, as a matter of fact; once you surrender to the outcome, and release all the tension of trying and trying to make something happen, it may just happen, after all.
Not to say, of course, that we mustn’t take action in following steps to bring us success, but it is also imperative for us to loosen the reigns a little bit, stop forcing a thought to fruition, and believe that just by taking time and putting the positive amount of energy into our goals, daily, and sometimes just taking one extra, but effortless step; we will reap the fruits of our labour.
If you can believe that your life is in order and that in order to attain all that you ever wished, you just must first believe it is so, as absolutely yours to be granted.
Believe it or not, and that’s exactly what you will get.
And if you are having a hard time believing in yourself, borrow the belief a friend has in you.
It’s just as, if not, even more powerful
I don’t know.. I just believe so.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Divide and Conquer
"Knowing where to begin is half the battle"
LoVe Di
Not only is there so much unknown in our lives,but so many things wefeel we needto understand completely and thoroughly before we can begin a project, task or job.
Because we may be so intimidated by so many things that are in our face, at once; we tendto throw our hands up in the air-fearing with frustration and admitting defeat before we even set our feet in to test the waters.
If we can take all that we need to achieve, create a plan of action, that involves divvying up the priorities, so we can see clearly what we have in front of us, along the way of success, perhaps we can take all the despair we are carrying with us, and finally conquer the chaos and in turn the circumstance we fear the most.
Don't lose your way, because you feel you are not strong enough to take on battles! Banish any belief that is not supporting you and bring on all the achievements you can handle!
We can all have a handle on life, one cupful of confidence at atime...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
"My idea of a good time is to make it one!"
LoVe Di
We have all been there. Times get tough; we feel in a rut, and things just aren't going as we planned for them to.
Sometimes, even standing on our own two feet seems like an impossible feat.
No matter what challenge, what issue or what traumatic situation you are faced with; many times just the voice, shoulder or hand of a friend can make even the hardest of times seem bareable.
We are all going to go through many tests of strength in our lives, be it financial hurdles, personal paranoias, you name it... But if you can name off a few amazing and supportive friends that will take your call and be there for you when you are in need of them; things will look up. I can promise you that.
I know, I have been there, and I have had the financial hurdles from long distance dialogues to prove it!
Not to say that we can cure a choas or crisis with just a call, but there is definitely hope for us yet, when we can call out to those who love us, and are willing to listen to us when we may feel like we are on our last breath.
Just breathe in and breathe easy knowing not only will this, too, pass; but remember also not to pass up the opportunity to phone a friend, when you need.
They are always literally a phonecall away.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Front & Center
Who doesn't like a little drama?
Ok, admittedly, some of us more than others, but it's safe to say, in life, we all have varying roles, some that are seemingly more dramatic at times... Other times, we play more of a supporting role, or perhaps just a by-stander...
No matter what role we play as the days play on, we can, inevitably play it as best we can. No one day leaves you more or less important that the day before.
So why act like it.
There are going to be days we wish we could hide under the covers, where other days where we are so excited to hop out of bed and get the day started, we may even forget to wear underwear, we are so excited
(note: not a big deal, if you can at least remember to put on your pants).
But, it is important that you wear the pants in your relationship with yourself, and at least put in the attempt to show up 100% no matter what the case may be.
In case you are ever wondering why you may still be waiting for that Award Winning life of glitz and glamour- whatever that is for you- take a good hard look at how you play your part. Be sure to stand front and center, allowing yourself to not only have the lights shine on you, but to shine bright, with your unique talent.
You don't have to break a leg, but break out of your shell a little, and prepare to accept a standing ovation, and own it...
Just don't push others off the stage in your quest for success.
That's just bad form!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
For Goodness Sake!
Oh, we have all been there... We make decisions, or contemplate our choices, that we know, very well, are not in our best interest to follow through with.
Of course, no choice is the wrong choice, as it leads us into learning a lesson that we obviously have not passed, prior to this point.
Our worlds are always changing, and amidst this, our worlds collide with so many different people and different circumstances, that sometimes, what we may feel is right, at the moment, may be a place we would never set foot in, in hindsight.
And just as so; sometimes, we are faced with the fact that we are further along in our "becoming" that we may have lead on, to ourselves. This can be just as scary as being disapointed for not becoming who we want to be.
If we wish to attract all that we every imagined, we must first imagine that we are worthy of good things, but moreover, make choices that come from the goodness of our hearts.
They say good things come to those who wait, but if you can do good things, while you are waiting, perhaps you can not only take years off your life, but make these the best years of your life!
I'm just saying, for goodness sake!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Baggage Claim
In our lives, we go through many transitions,
whether personal, professional, spiritual- you get the picture.
As the picture of our lives changes, we not only seem to
change our exterior environment, but our inner selves
and all that we carry with us, in our minds, and in our hearts.
Our decisions as to what we keep with us, is far more important than we may think.
Much of this may be far more beneficial to leave behind,
rather than to weigh us down, as we progress.
When we decide to move on, or to make a shift in
our personal course, we must consider, of course,
what we need and needn't pack with us... We all have
"baggage", which can hinder our path,
If we chose to bring it with us,
instead of learn from it, and leave it well enough alone,
as we walk forward.
Just as we gather all of
the necessities to take on a trip,
always realizing we could have done without many of the
items that are not really going to serve us in our journey;
we can do just the same in our travels in personal growth.
Claim all that you own, emotionally, so you can work through
your life with knowing how you got to here, but know,
that going forward, you are not obligated to continue with everything!
So lighten up!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
By The Book
When was the last time you felt successful? Or can you even remember? To look further, we must understand, in our minds, what the vision of success?
How it looks like to us. Our ideas of success will differ not only geographically, and demographically, but it will certain differ dependent upon what we have been breed to believe success was, growing up, in our own households, and in what we surrounded ourselves with.
To live in a society where success is measured by money, education, assets, or specific accomplishments recognized by highly acclaimed decision makers, we may, individually be ultimately brushing off what our own true sense of success is.
To truly be successful, is to truly be following our dreams, taking individual steps to be in integrity with our set vision, and ourselves, and to walk a path that we, for ourselves, are creating with the our best interest at heart, and those around us.
We don't have to attempt to be what others have been, or do what others are doing, to make it successfully, in our lives.
Measure your success by doing what feels right, in your heart, creating your own destiny, based on using your own skills, talents and actively working on continually being the best "you".
Don't feel pressured to go by the book in all instances in your life, unless you wrote the book, yourself.
Out on A Limb
Since our early childhood, we have experienced many situations, many interesting or striking complex affairs that have ultimately lead us to where we stand, today, and how we stand up and show up in our lives, and our relationships.
Our personalities, our behaviour and our views on a multitude of issues and instances will highly differ, no matter how close and similar we may be to our friends, and those who we share our lives with.
While some of us will be more open to taking a risk and putting it all out there, with vulnerabilities visible, it sometimes will take others a bit of time, before they can trust in taking an extra step out of their comfort zone to see what the world has to offer.
Both of which are understandable, once we understand a person in their authenticity.
We can sometimes be blue in the face expelling energy in our attempt to want to show people what ideas, decisions and resolutions would be in their best interest, when we may feel they are lying stagnant and not growing, out of their programs.
But what works for one does not always work for another.
We are all growing at our appropriate pace.
Just as one may feel it best to take the risk right away, and jump into life from the get go, we must sometimes go out on a limb, and allow for others around us to walk their path, as theirs, comfortably., without pushing them to show up, where they are not ready to show up.
Showing up in relationships is showing support for each other no matter where we stand, just be sure not to compromise your own place and posture.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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