"The scariest thing I have ever done was what someone else wanted me to do."LoVe LuCy
We can claim that we are striving to make our way to success. We can think of, in our minds, all that we want to attain and all that we know would make us so happy.
It is great to have a vision and it is certainly important to be sure that you are taking steps to reach your dream, in your life.We know we want to be the best we can be, and have the best of everything in our lives. But why is it that some times, we look at all that surrounds us and wonder what we are doing wrong, that is not allowing us all that we are wishing for? The answer to life's complex mysteries as to why we may feel like we aren't budging while others seem to effortlessly manifest their dreams is easy! You can wish for all the riches and all the luxuries and all the money you can handle, but if you don't have a handle on why you want these things, they will not be put in front of you.It doesn't matter what you want, you must know why you want it so badly.
Whether it is a house, a car, publishing a book, or building a successful business, one thing always rings true...
If you don't have the right intentions, and clear intentions on why you are following a certain dream, the dream will stay just that; A dream.So be sure all that you desire is all that you desire with a specific purpose.As our purpose here, is to serve the world by changing people's lives in our own way.
Once you find your purpose and your calling, and are in alignment with love and integrity, you will see everything you heart desires show up in your life, like magic!I mean it!
Love LuCy sMiLes
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