"A Rose is a rose is a rose- so sweet!"LoVe LuCy
We are so quick to label in life. Not that we choose with ill intent to categorize things, or even people. Sometimes we just do, through no habit of our own, but instead, habit of society. It just seems easier to jump at the chance to judge someone, especially if they may have hurt us, as it is socially acceptable to put labels on people, we deem different in behavior than us. Not to say that we should tolerate a behavior that may be hurtful.
However, it truly is what is inside that counts, and for many of us, we struggle inside.
Perhaps if we judged less and loved more, we would be able to allow love into our lives, from those that love us, even more than we do now. We all know what we love, and we all, in most cases know what makes us tick. But maybe we need to look outside ourselves, at those near and dear to our hearts, and see if they may need a little bit of extra love too!So if someone ever hurts you, remember they are hurting worse.
Love the ones we are with. Because "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet", as Shakespeare once said. And it's true.Names are just names, whoever you love, can be named anything, they are still, though, them and them only.For all that they are, no matter what, no matter why, no matter what they have ever been called, or called.They are Love.
So, near, or even if need be, far- Love. Love,LuCy sMiLeS
So, near, or even if need be, far- Love. Love,LuCy sMiLeS
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