" Loving Others Rocks. If I Do Say So Myself!"
LoVe Lucy
LoVe Lucy
We can wake up and fret.We can break for lunch to ease our minds, and if you are anything like me; having worked full time, I would dread going back to the office, so much that I actually contemplated not "breaking" for lunch, next time, just to prevent the dreadful return. Why, do we spend so much time in chaos in our minds throughout the day? When we can take inventory at the end of the day, as to what is most important- seeing FULL WELL that none of which we worried about, had any space, on what we hold dear to our hearts? I can fret, be in a frenzy or lose my mind frazzled, throughout my waking hours.
However, when I lay me down to sleep, I pray for those that I love.
Those that love me.I pray and give thanks to all that have helped me alone the way.I pray for the strength to help as many as I can, along my own way. I pray for peace, joy and smiles. At the end of the day, what is most important in your life?I do know that we need protection to survive.But, do yourself a favor.
Look around at all you have.Look around at all you have had.Are you not ok?Have you not been ok until now? Are you not here, now?At the end of the day... Love,LuCy sMiLeS
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