"All I want is all I want ."
Love Lucy
Love Lucy
In a world of such diversity whether culturally, spiritually, personally or professionally, it seems we still struggle with the self fulfilling prophecies that we must be like other, more supposed "successful" folk.When we think of success, many of us, do in fact, have the same certain "celebrity faces" or Historic Profiles" in our minds of those we deem successful.
Of these people, the common thread is that they all stand out from the crowd as having done something, been something or shown us something, in them, that brought them to the forefront of the time in which they were or are following their dream, sharing their expertise, or simply raising the bar in some way or another.
So, why do we want to stand out from the crowd, while at the same time, contradicting ourselves by doing our best to try to fill our lives with filling a role that others have, to get to our own true success?
We, each one of us has something unique to offer the world. Something that is completely unlike any other.In place of feeling that we must be or look a certain way, or do a certain thing to be "great", we must find and do that which, in fact, makes "us" great!
It is healthy to envy others following their dreams, as it can enable you to follow your own.But in your quest of questions being answered as to what that will be, and how it will be shown;
Be certain the dream is in fact yours.As...To Each; Their Own.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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