Nice Try

If some of you are anything like me, even ten years after graduating college, a portion of my monthly income still gets delivered to my ever so hefty College Student Loans.
In my twenties, I dabbled in not just one course, or two, but in fact three different College Programs. The first, I was fresh out of high school, and fresh in my mental programs of what I "should" be doing with the rest of my life.

I left my hometown, excited for the experience, which in fact only lasted one of two years. Something wasn't right. It was not my calling. I felt guilt for "quitting".Then, programs still intact, attending another course- not calling it quits this time, and instead graduating with flying colors. Still, not my calling... If I am so good at it, why am I not feeling so good doing it?

Third time was a charm and I graduated, moved to the Big City and worked in high profile careers using both programs to get me to where I knew I could be. But this profile still wasn't me!
Interesting.... All the programs in my mind resulted in my decisions as to which programs I thought I was supposed to achieve, and yet, over a decade later, the only thing that remains from all of this education, is the loans!

But happily so, I am paying them off, as the whole journey paid off in the end.I landed my dream job- boss of me, and doing something I never even went to school for!So why do I not regret trying over and over, courses that do not serve me today?
It is not so much, in life, the lessons that you learn in class, as it is the lessons you learn in life, itself. Where you are and what you are doing as is a stepping stone to getting you where you will find your true purpose.

Every step I took, guided me to the most magical place, in my heart and in my life.This course you can't take in school.Class dismissed!
Love LuCy sMiLeS

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