"If you want greatness in your life, be greatness!"
LoVe Lucy
LoVe Lucy
I am sure; no I am positive that there are better ways of doing certain things, in each and every one of our lives. Not to say that much of what we DO do is not already great, but I'll bet there is a little bit here and there that can be done, better.
It is understandable that perhaps some things that we have to get done during our day, doesn't really need that extra effort. Or so we may just think? Even from brushing our teeth, doing our dishes, or making our beds; we can do all of these things with a better attitude.
Even better, with more gratitude! If we were to put more love into the things we may not love doing, our days would be brighter, and perhaps even our teeth may be a little whiter! I realized, in my own life, if I get my chores done, in appreciation, I honestly smile brighter at other things, and I notice the blessings in even the littlest things. Perhaps we can't always be so positive, and cheery, but when we can, we should!
The fact that we are able to wake up, to a new day, and have all of the things in our lives, that are blessings is actually incredible.
So take time is your chaotic day to realize what things, and what people in your life, make your life great! Remind yourself, what you already know, but have perhaps forgotten, with you always on the go!
LuCy sMiLeS
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