A Mile A Minute

" My job works for me!"
LoVe Lucy

Waking up Monday morning can be extra hectic; or extra special depending on how we look at it.

We have a whole new week ahead of us and a whole new list of things to accomplish. For many, the stress of starting the week, and jumping into the work can leave us drained, and at a loss of enthusiasm.

Mix that in with not having enough time to get everything done. We rush around, a mile a minute multitasking to make sure we can get in as much as we can, to save us from stressing out all week.

Sound familiar?

We all have things to do, some more than others.We all have the same amount of time to get those things done.While multitasking can help us, we can also get much more done, in much less time if we do things one thing at a time. Focusing on a single goal and giving ourselves sufficient time to do it can leave us with extra free time to break and enjoy life.

If you have a million deadlines and have been running a mile a minute to make things work, maybe change your work order up a bit. Note what needs to be done, and make time, one task at a time.

Don't think about all the other things, until the time comes to. Make your work day work for you.

Love LuCy sMiLeS

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