"It doesn't matter how clearly we speak our minds, if we are not speaking the same language" LoVe Di
We live our lives, with many people, and many diverse backgrounds from these people, whether cultural, behavioral exposures from our childhood, family structure, financial status.
You name it.
When we communicate with others, we are not just communicating within the scope of our direct relationship. That would make life easy, of course. We must in fact, also take into consideration what both parties are speaking, in terms of language that is familiar to them.
Even if we are both speaking Spanish, English, Cantonese, we still have a very high chance of hearing something completely different than what is being said.
We all have our own unique communication characteristics, and what one person says that may sound upsetting to us, could very well be normal to the person saying it.
If you witness an Italian family communicating, you can notice alot of raising of voices, and shouting, not to mention a select few non verbal hand, arms, and even full body gestures, that some may find offensive; yet Italian families are known to some as the most passionate family oriented dynamics in terms of Nuclear and Extended households.
The diversity of what one finds normal or abnormal in terms of communication is so intensely different, that it is important in our relations to anyone, for us to be compassionate about the languages and body languages spoken, and understanding that everyone has their own background, that is now the forefront of their communication styles.
Not to say that we should openly accept when verbal or non verbal behaviors are clearly out of line, however, we can learn to love, and truly love everyone by accepting them as unique, being able to sit back and actually embrace that we are all speaking the language that we know.
Perhaps by doing so, words may not cut so deep, and we can look at things another way, rather then just our own way.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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