I love a bargain, but to fill our lives with quality, we sometimes have to clear out the knock-offs."
There is nothing I like better than the vision of a red tag clearance sticker, usually at Target. But just as stores have clearance shelves, packed with bargains to get rid of the old, and be ready for the new- same goes with our lives.
Be it emotions that we are carrying that are not serving us, or relationship "issues" and turmoil that we try to forget; we must take inventory of our lives, and see what things in our lives are losing their value, if they ever had any value at all, to begin with.Life is absolutely a series of lessons. Everything, and everyone that comes into our lives, serves a valuable purpose.
What we chose to learn from this, is how we get closer to finding our true purpose to serve others, and the world.Many circumstances that we experience can seem hard, unfair, or absolutely intolerable and hurtful.We can wonder why it seems that these things are happening, or worse, happening AGAIN.
The faster we can look within, and take responsibility and accountability, as well as to look at things as another step of growth and understanding- the faster we can rid of them, without having return. With spring just around the corner, it's time to clear out the clutter for new and fresh beginnings.Look at what is valuable in your life, starting with what you not only carry around your house, or in your car, or in your purse, but in your mind as well.Put a price tag on it, and if it screams "cheap", change it for something better!
You deserve it!
You deserve it!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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