"The Best Things To Come are Worth Waiting For!"
LoVe LuCy
I had a great conversation with one of my best girlfriends, today, and of course, she gave some of her best advice. We were discussing how we look at things and how it has a direct impact on what we attract.Of course it does.
If we focus on the things we do not have, we will notice we don't seem to get much more.The more we focus on all that we are blessed with having, the more blessings show up.She decided that she hasn't been focusing on her blessings and all that she has, right now.
She has been focusing on how she wanted more.
Once she stopped and looked at what she had, she really wasn't lacking at all! It is a blessing to be able to see the bigger picture, and to look at certain things in our life as lessons, to see what parts of ourselves needs tweaking.By being aware of our roles, and what we are here, to produce, and to give to those around us, our lives expand and our hearts expand as well.
When we believe that we have everything we need right now, and cherish it with everything we have, what we have will expand, even more. We all want what we want, now, much of the time, even though, we know in our hearts that everything takes time, and we are only given what we are able to handle.
Make sure you count your blessings, today for what is in your life; from people to things!And know that there is always more just waiting in the wings!
LuCy sMiLeS
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