"To Dream Big is to Live Big!
LoVe LuCy
It really doesn't matter how cozy your duvet is, or how fluffy your pillow, when you rest your head with worry at the end of the day.
No magical mattress can take away all your anxiety, as you attempt to close your mind off to all that is concerning you. We can do our best to "sleep on it" trying to clear all that we have going on in our weary little heads, but if you are like most, most of the time, it takes more than just saying "Go to sleep!"
There are many ways we can tackle turmoil that festers in our minds, while we are trying to rest after a long day. Like anything else, the best way to eradicate negative, is to simply replace it with something positive. This works, just like it does with behaviours.
For instance, if you are trying to quit smoking, quit eating junk food, or even quit arguing with your spouse- the best bet for success is not to just say you are not going to smoke, eat unhealthy or stop arguing... It is important to compensate the behaviour with a better, more positive behaviour. By "reading inspiration" when you want to smoke, "walking outdoors in the sun" when you want to eat junk food, or "compliment your spouse for their goodness" when you want to lash out; you are switching your chemistry, which in return wipes out the memory of the past behaviour. You cannot have both.
This can be done, with resting your mind.
What habits do you have before bed?Worrying about tomorrow?Watching TV in your bed, before turning out the lights?Going to bed after a fight, and not reconciling?
By taking a step to serenity before or while closing your eyes, you may notice yourself finding it is morning, and you had a restful and full night of sleep! Some things to consider that can help you are; praying, writing your thankfuls for the day, and my favorite- calling on your Angels to chat about your visions, and specifically ask them for clarity in your dreams about what can aid you in finding your passion!
All these techniques bring your mind to a place of love, comfort, and joy, rather than worry, duress and stress! Try it for a night, and call me in the morning!
LuCy sMiLeS
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