"It is always easier with help from a friend."
LoVe LuCy
How many projects, tasks and chores have you done, where when having someone beside you to contribute their time, has been a great benefit?
Yes, there are instances where some of us work better, with some, and not so much with others.
I am sure your mind went to a place, that recollected times that it was a bit frustrating or stressful to amalgamate certain personalities, in one case or another. There is always going to be an exceptional case where we will want to state our case that we wish to work alone on getting certain things executed. The issue with this mindset, is that it leads us to believe we have only two options when it comes to doing things.
Alone, or with others. But what we fail to consider is that many things that we must take care of can be taken care of in many ways, when we take the opportunity to see just "how" we can work with others, to create the best outcome! In doing our best to live in conscious relationships with others, our fears and insecurities can get the best of us, resulting in us forgetting that we are in fact a collective energy.
When we work together, we, ourselves benefit. When we work against each other, we ourselves, are burdened. It is so important to do onto others as we would want to have done onto us, as what goes around, always comes around. What areas in your life, do you feel you are working against yourself?Be it gossiping about others? Speaking to others about a direct conflict you have with someone else, who should be then spoken to directly, to create peace? Not following through on commitments with those in your life?
Procrastinating time on the job? If we can remember that when we are in alignment, and also forming alliances with others, to allow for best growth of all involved; we can then begin to see change, even small change, which then creates a world of difference in the lives of all involved.
Just as we see companies sponsor and partner with other organizations they believe in, and know they will benefit from, we can do so with all relationships we have, as well. We owe it ourselves and to others to support each other on our paths, and do what we can to partner with others whenever we can and however we can.
So look at your life, and those in your life, and ask yourself how you can be the proud partner or proud sponsor and just do it!
LuCy sMiLeS
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