"The great thing about trying is that you can do it as many times as you need!"
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
In our journey, and in our life as a whole, we definitely focus on getting things done, and getting things right. We pay attention to detail, where it matters to us, and we do our best to be our best, and to make the best of our time. With this, as individuals, we have our own set of individual deeds that we follow, based on our beliefs that we have carried with us along our way.
Some of us, depending on how we are accomplishing our goals, may be in a place of reevaluating what we do, how we do it, and whether or not we need to tweak our ways a little. Of this, it can come down to not so much changing who we are as it is about expanding ourselves, and our mindsets, to go above and beyond what we may feel comfortable doing. As creatures of habit, we also have a habit of fearing change.
We make decisions as safely as we can, to be sure that we don't put ourselves in a position that may be something we regret doing.
By doing so, and having a perception that taking an extra step is too extreme, we risk being in a place that is stagnant from growth. If we believe, in our minds, that we cannot take a chance to do something more than we are, then we will be right. Whatever our perception is; is our life.
If we can perceive our lives as being abundant, through being rightly deserving of such abundance, mixed with proactive determination to carry this out- perhaps we can throw any negative perceptions out, and bring in all that will serve us for Success!
Or so, I think so.
LuCy sMiLeS
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