"Our visions and our daydreams come to life, by way of default."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
Do you ever catch yourself in a daze, only many moments after
you've been gazing into dreamland, while you should be paying attention to what is in front of you; or what responsibility you were in the middle of executing?
Do you ever notice visions of passionate living catch your mind's eye, afterward snapping out of it, not even remembering what you were doing, before you were enjoying this magical moment in your little head?
It is imperative that we pay attention to what we are taking care of, in our lives. Whether we are driving, prepping the children for school, or crunching numbers at work for a big deadline...
But what part of us is making sure that we pay attention to all those thoughts and all those messages that come to us, every single day, and every single waking hour, that pertain to our visions of following our dreams?
However we wish to believe we are watched over and protected; whether for some of us, from our Angels, and Guides, and for some others, God; we are very much being given messages and answers, through visions, people, and physical signs whether on the streets or in our heads.
If we can keep our eyes peeled, and take these things for above and beyond what they may look like to the naked eye, we may find ourselves living those dreams in our real lives!
We have a responsibility to take care of our lives, and be great examples to our children, and our family and friends, in this wonderful World.
We also have a responsibility to ourselves, to lead by example by first Leading our own lives, with passion, and with purpose.
The signs are there for us to discern what that means for us, and with whom we wish to share our lives and our dreams with.
When we wake up, and walk through our day, whether stressed or serene, the signs are always just as clear, and we will see them, if we just keep our eyes peeled!
LuCy sMiLeS
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