"A Little Smile Can Brighten the Darkest of Days."
LoVe LuCy
Remember that song we used to sing?
"This Little Light of Mine, I'm Gonna Let it Shine..."
There are so many songs, and even Fairy Tales, that when we look back and replay them in our minds, we realize how much significance they have on us owning our Power, and staying true to ourselves, even in the face of Darkness.
It is interesting how much more alert and aware we are, as children, when we actually know less about the World.
The truth is we have a profound innocence that we overlook once we get older, that allows us to use our intuition to guide us, rather than the outside influences, that many times is based on fear, and mistrust.
We just used our inner light as the main force for answers.
We knew when things didn't feel right.
We knew, as well, that once we changed our perception, that everyone around us, had a light of their own, that they just hoped to have shine bright, as well.
Life, itself has ups and downs, it has dramas, twists, and turns...
And sometimes those we think are here to hurt us the hardest, turn out to assist us the best.
And those we feel we understand the least, are those who help us understand ourselves the most.
Wherever you are in your life, and whomever you choose to share your path with;
Be sure to let your light shine when darkness seems to fall;
It allows others to grow too, seeing our strength to stand tall.
You owe it not only to yourself, afterall.
But at the end of the day, it is always your call.
LuCy sMiLeS
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