clears up anything with anyone else."
LoVe LuCy
They never said life would be easy.
They never said the going wouldn't get tough, and we wouldn't want to throw in the towel, in our relationships with our spouses, friends, jobs, and even with ourselves.
Many of us can ponder and ponder why it is that we attract certain people in our lives, or why we keep putting ourselves in certain positions.
Many of us have no idea why we haven't attracted that right person, we are so hoping for.
We may have a list, of what we want this person to look like, including many characteristics and values that we want them to have, in order for us to hold true to ourselves just what we know we deserve.
Whether it is in our current relationships that don't look exactly like what we want, or in seeking a new and upcoming connection.Something today caught my ear, and touched my heart to the point of tears"For a quality relationship, write down 20 qualities you want your partner to have- and make sure you have them, first."
How interesting is it that we want so badly to have someone in our lives who will emanate certain things we hold high in value, however, we never take the time to be sure that we are living up to our own values, first?
We know that all comes back to us, that we put out.We also know that it doesn't necessarily come back to us in the same form as we put out.So how can we overlook the necessity of holding ourselves personally accountable to live and breathe all that we expect others to toward us?If we feel we are being treated with disrespect, or dealing with others who are not trustworthy;If we can look at our relationship to self and others, perhaps the energy being exuded is lack of self worth, or perhaps self reliance.
It can be anything, and not always the same thing, but it will always be "something".Let's look at our relationships we are building and maintaining.
If we feel as though there are certain things happening that we can surely do without, and qualities in our relationship that are not in alignment with what we wish to have; look at our relationship with self, and to others, and see if we are out of line, as well.Then maybe we can break down the confusion and finally see clearly what we want, by being what we want others to be.What a perfect vision!
LuCy sMiLeS