"There is Magic in Life- in its Ups and its downs, just the same." LoVe LuCy
Just hours into the New Year, we can smell the fresh air and the change that comes with it. I haven't stepped outside yet, to enjoy it for all it offers, but I feel it just the same.In reflection of last year, we can see magic in every moment, if we look hard enough.
Through moments of confusion, we may now see clarity, and through times of distress, we may now, see our dreams and our readiness to manifest what was a seemingly distant sight.What we go through always has meaning, even if we are doing a whole lot of nothing.Whether we are working through a dance of anger, a dance of fear, or a dance of uncertainty in our lives, we can use this rhythm whether of blues, to help us grow.
With any pressure we put on ourselves, now, as to what we must do, to make solid changes in our lives, and be more proactive in our lives, we can sit, and be thankful for all that has been endured.
More importantly, how we can grow from all of our past experiences, without taking our past with us, on our journey forward.The best thing about our past is that it can be laid to rest, at any time we so choose.
And the choice to move forward, with a clear direction of where we want to be, and who we want to be, is directly influenced by how we respond to all that we have experienced.We must allow ourselves to have wonderful experiences going forward, no matter what experiences less than desirable we may have lived out in the past.
Welcome in the New Year with open arms, and be sure to close the doors to anything you know is not going to serve you on your way, starting today.
LuCy sMiLeS
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