"In a World of Duality, remember words can heal, yes; but words can also hurt."LoVe LuCy
When you see certain people living their lives, working in their stressful positions, or taking care of their numerous children; do you ever wonder where they get the strength to not only multi-task, but deal with all that comes with all they have being thrown at them?
Do you ever think to yourself: "Wow, I can barely use my strength to wash my hair in the morning!"
We all have so many different roles we play in life.We can all be so lucky to have a fine balance between work, family, and free time to unwind if and when we have an opportunity. Some of us are Mothers, Fathers, CEO's, Assistants to CEO's, Teachers, Coaches, Students...
Many of us have many roles. Some of us are almost all of the above! Sometimes, along the way, we may forget the role that we all carry with us, that can make all of our roles much easier. It is the Major Role of "Kind Samaritan".
We all get so overwhelmed; at times, getting so bent out of shape- that sometimes, we forget to be conscious of how we treat others along the way.Many a times, it is those we care for most, that we treat with little care, and kindness, simply because they are right there, almost in harm's way.It isn't that we intentionally throw our hands up and plan on hurting others, or making people feel bad, all because we, ourselves, are feeling stressed, or worse, attacked by life's agonies.
But we do. We are all human. And with that, comes imperfection; learning; and a work in progress. And no matter how strong we, ourselves think we are, we can get weak in the face of anxiety.
And just as strong as we think others are, in our way, they too can become weak when faced with the effects of our projected anxiety, whether we mean to do so, or not.
We are not all the same, and we do not deal with life in the same way; as we are all not given the same hand to deal.But across the board, we do share one same thing, and that is we all wish to be treated equally, and treated equally kind.
LuCy sMiLeS
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