Any Way

"Personal success is not achieved by getting what we want, but instead, by being who we truly are."
LoVe LuCy

I remember when I was younger, wondering what I was going to be when I grew up; I kind of got nervous about making decisions, because I feared that one choice, would mean one way of living, forever.

It not only took me many years, it took me many experiences, to realize that one choice we make creates numerous possibilities, and those possibilities seemed more endless, the more true we are to ourselves. Sometimes my circumstances were seemingly hard, and I wouldn't have thought them to be so spectacular; at least, not to the naked eye.But, in my heart, even when it seemed difficult, the times I knew I was being true to me, I felt a sense of bliss amongst the turmoil.

By making a decision to do something, especially something positive, we are creating an abundance of other amazing manifestations in our lives, from just one thought. And, we cannot control others' behaviour, and definitely cannot control how others react to life. But, we can, ourselves choose the best opportunities for ourselves, and choose to react in love, when the "not so best" circumstances lie before us.

If you think of times that you chose a certain place to go, or better, chose a certain way of being, and behaving, that is positive, you may look back and see that it always matter most who you are, in the end. Even if you don't think you are prepared for what life is going to give you, you can always be prepared to be yourself. The rest is just details.


LuCy sMiLeS

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