"The only things left to take with us, from our past, are the lessons."LoVe LuCy
One of the worst feelings, we can let ourselves feel, is regret.
It is a very useless emotion, that can cause a world of harm, in our minds, and therefore, in our lives.Whether it is regretting having done something, or worse, having not done something, that we know would have made all the difference in our lives, had we the opportunity to take the situation back, and do things differently.
We all, somewhere, sometime, can probably think of a circumstance, that, in our hearts, having made a different, or better decision, would have given us more peace, more happiness, or more contentment with where we are, now.The thing with regret, is it has no beneficial outcome.
The only thing we can do, is move on.Learn from it, by making better decisions, for ourselves, now, and going forward. Sometimes, this can be the hardest thing to do. But, by dwelling on what has already taken place, and giving this energy in place of positive, and motivational energy, will not do us, or anyone around us, any good. Regret, in itself, gives us a low vibration of pain, anger, resentment, and negative feelings, of ourselves, and our self esteem.
We must be able to move, forward, and look at all the lessons, in our lives, take with us, from our past, only the lessons, and the understanding that all decisions made up to this point, were made based on our knowledge, and our assertion up to this point.
If we can give light to the fact, that once we embrace the past as the past, for all that it offered, and all that we experienced, we will see, then, and only then how all things tie into each other- even if we wish things would have been different.
There are no mistakes in life, but the mistake of believing that is of any service to us to want life to be other than it is, to be.
What's Done is Done- it is what you do about it, now, that makes all the difference in the world.
LuCy sMiLeS
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