"If you want something to be done about it, do something about it, now."
LoVe LuCy
As Adults, we are very keen in working on keeping our lives in working order. We are working to tune into what makes us truly happy. We are working our way through putting in enough hours, to put enough investment into our future, so we can soon slow down and start to enjoy life.
It seems when I look around, and when I listen, I hear a lot of people discussing working toward the future, and making a point of being certain that their future will be taken care of.While it is important to allocate an appropriate portion of our financial energy to our future- so we feel at peace and calm that we will be taken care of- there must be a point at which we understand that living right now, is living life at its fullest.
Not to say we should splurge and spend all our hard earned money today and forget that tomorrow is coming; but instead to be certain that our headspace is in the moment, as much as it can be, to enjoy and embrace what life is offering us, now.
We are all where we are meant to be, to grow and to learn the lessons before us, to get us to that next point.And, we have every opportunity to manifest what we desire, for our future, by believing in ourselves and looking within ourselves for the answers of how to get there.
By staying present and seeing the magic in the moments that are in front of us, now, we may have a better understanding of what choices, and decisions will be most positive and in alignment with our Integrity, to create that future that we have always only dreamt of.
There will always be more to come, while we are here, creating our lives as we wish them to be; making our spiritual ends meet up and beginning new experiences with other people's stories, as we continue on our path.
But there is nothing about the future that can take the place of the present, unless you choose to not live in your present life, at all.And what fun would that be? What investment is this, in your future, in the long run?
LuCy sMiLeS
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