"If things turn out badly, turn to a friend."
LoVe LuCy
Some days we can wake up, ready to take in a breath of fresh air, and motivated to start our day.
Other days, it is like we are gasping for air, not sure how we are going to make it through. It is something, that no matter how bad a day we have one day, we can almost always rest assured that the next day is going to be so much better.We know this, because countless times, this is just the case.
Some days we are just off, and things don't seem to go our way; they don't seem to go as planned, or there just doesn't seem to be a plan in order, for success.
We cannot guarantee that every day is going to go our way. We may feel like we cannot get our ducks in a row, and our thoughts are upside down. But, one thing we can guarantee, almost always, is that there is a friend, near or even sometimes far, that can help us get a grip on things, even if we are at wit's end.
There is never a better time to reach out to a friend, when we are in need of some sanity, even if it is just to even admit that we feel like we are going crazy!
So next time you are not sure if you have it in you to handle life's "little less than pleasurable" circumstances; remember there is always that special someone in your life, ready to support!
LuCy sMiLeS
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