"Barrier? Let me Break it Down for you." LoVe LuCy
It doesn't matter what age we are, or what our education is. It is not so important what side of the tracks we grew up, or how many siblings we had- whether we were the youngest of three or the oldest of eight.
No difference if we are tall, and tough; or small, and slim.Blue eyed, or brown eyed; brunette or blond.
Our lives, each one of us has something special held inside, just waiting to burst out.Our spirits, are not made of colour, not made of form, and do not hold a compass as to where the best geological, or logical place will suit us best to find the answers of our purpose.As we move from place to place, person to person, we find more of ourselves, more of our meaning to life and more understanding as to why we are here.
There is no race to the end, where some of our luckier, more fortunate friends are there, done, and rooting for us to hurry to the finish line, so we can enjoy the victory as they have.Of all the barriers that we have, in our lives, to hurdle- many of which is believed as due to the unfortunate factors of our circumstances, our resources, or our race- our biggest hurdle lies within us, within our beliefs of why we cannot have, and acquire the accomplishments, that others can.It has nothing to do with the colour of our hair, our skin.It never has any power over us, what certificate we have or do not have hanging on our wall.
It is what we allow to hang over our heads that makes or breaks us.Our Biggest Barriers are solely our Beliefs.So hold your head high, and allow a release of anything not serving you to success.
Let them fall where they may, and cast them away, as you walk forward, with a passion, a purpose and a knowing that you too have it in you, to make it however you wish to.It doesn't matter what yesterday, the day before or ten years ago made you believe; The fact is that now, with all of your strength, you have it in you to achieve.
LuCy sMiLeS
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